Earl Poole Award
The Earl Poole award is presented annually to a person or persons who have made significant contributions to Pennsylvania’s ornithology. This may be in the form of research, volunteer efforts, publications, field work, or any other pursuit that has increased our knowledge and understanding of the birdlife in Pennsylvania.
How to nominate a person for this award
If you would like to nominate a person or persons for this award, send information about the nominee to the PSO Vice-President. Information should include the person’s name and address, a brief resume, and why you think this person deserves the award.
Winners of the Earl Poole Award
2023 Dr. Andrew Wilson
2022ย Margaret Brittingham
2019ย Nick Bolgiano
2018ย Greg Grove
2017ย Scott Weidensaul
2016ย Robert Mulvihill
2015ย Robert Curry
2014ย Scott Stolesen
2013ย Terry Master
2012ย Laurie Goodrich
2011ย Gary Edwards
2010ย Jerry McWilliams
2009ย Nick Pulcinella
2008ย Jack Holcomb
2007ย Doug Gross
2006ย Margaret Higbee
2005ย Margaret Buckwalter
2004ย Dan Brauning
2003ย Paul Hess
2002ย Phillips B. Street
2001ย Franklin & Barbara Haas
2000ย William Reid
1999ย Edward Fingerhood
1998ย Ralph Bell
1997ย Paul Schwalbe
1996ย Robert Leberman
1995ย Jean Stull Cunningham