Pennsylvania Birds

Pennsylvania Birds, the PSO’s quarterly journal dedicated to bird distribution and occurrence in Pennsylvania, is included in PSO Memberships. It includes sightings for each quarter on a county-by-county basis, rare bird reports, the CBC, site guides, PA Birdlists, Hawk Migration Summaries, book reviews, PORC reports, and articles of general interest ranging from the humorous to the technical. Library/Institutional rates are also available (these rates do not include the PSO Newsletter).

Subscription Information
One year’s subscription includes 4 issues.
The first issue you receive depends on your Membership start date.

Subscription Rates
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One year Individual Membership in PSO $30.00
One year Family Membership in PSO $35.00
One year Sustaining Membership in PSO $45.00
One year Student Membership in PSO (digital access only) $10.00

Library/Institutional Rates

United States $33.00
Canada $48.00
Other Foreign Country $62.00

Make check payable to PSO and send to:
2469 Hammertown Road
Narvon, PA 17555-9726


Publishing Deadlines
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Materials (articles, letters, photos) to be included in the publication should be sent to the Chief Editor by the due dates listed below.

IssueSeasonDue DatePublication Date
1Dec – FebMarch 31July
2Mar – MayJune 30October
3Jun – JulAugust 31December
4Aug – NovDecember 31April

Submitting Reports 
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Bird sightings should be sent to the County Compiler for the county in which the sightings were made. Be sure to include the following: Species, Location, Number, Observer, Date. If the species requires documentation, be sure to include it.

Submission of Photos for Publication 
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Solicitation windows for photos for each issue of Pennsylvania Birds are posted to statewide e-mail lists and Facebook groups by the Photo Editor when submissions are preferred to be received. 

 Digital photos or scanned image files sent for consideration must be sent to Rob Dickerson in JPG format and submitted as attachments and not embedded in the e-mail.

Horizontal images (preferred) MUST be able to be cropped to 1050px x 700px with a resolution of 300 px/in and vertical images MUST be able to be cropped to 1050px x 1313px at 300 px/in.

Images will not be enlarged/upscaled. High-resolution images are requested during initial submission.

Submissions must also include pertinent information for captioning to include species, location photographed, county photographed, date of photo and any other information of significance regarding the sighting.

Submitted photos may be cropped or adjusted for color, brightness, or contrast as the editor sees fit without notice to the photographer.

Photos with copyright or signature text visible in the image will not be accepted. Photographers will be acknowledged in the photo caption.

Submission of Materials for Publication 
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We welcome submission of articles, artwork or photographs. Any materials submitted must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope if the author desires to have the material returned. Digital photos are preferred — prints will not be returned. Articles should be sent via email (Microsoft Word is preferred, but Word Perfect or any other compatible format is acceptable). PENNSYLVANIA BIRDS assumes no liability or responsibility for any unsolicited materials. Materials should be sent to Mark Bonta, Editor-in-chief.

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All issues older than two years are available online. Content may be freely used as long as the source is properly cited.

If you need a printed copy of an article, requests for reprints will be handled by the Treasurer.

Send requests to PSO, 2469 Hammertown Rd., Narvon, Pa 17555-9730.

Back Issues (hard copies)

Most back issues are available in hard copy. They are $10 each (includes postage).

To order, send an check for the appropriate amount and a list of issues wanted to PSO, 2469 Hammertown Rd, Narvon, PA 17555-9730.

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Chief Editor – Mark Bonta

Seasonal Editors

Data Input Technician – Wendy Jo Shemansky

Department Editors

