Bird Lore began with articles written by David Brown of Lycoming Audubon and published in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette for several years.  He transferred editorship of the column to Joan Sattler, also of Lycoming, in 2018.  She gathered a group of 11 writers from Lycoming and Seven Mountains Audubon chapters, publishing the columns in four local newspapers. 

In 2021, Tiadaghton chapter of Audubon joined the enterprise, and a fifth newspaper was added from Wellsboro. When Joan left the area in 2021, she turned the editorship of Bird Lore over to Kay Cramer of the Seven Mountains chapter. 

In the past year 2022-23, more media outlets have expressed interest in publishing the column and it now appears in 8 newspapers in Central PA, as well as in the Pennsylvania Wild blogposts.  

Photos are supplied with the columns and are contributed by either the authors themselves or by local photographers Lauri Shaffer, Wayne Laubscher, and Bill Tyler.  The Audubon Digital Asset Management system has also allowed photos from its database to be used. 

In 2023, Trish Brill of Middlecreek Signs designed the Bird Lore logo.

Click on the article below to read.

Ducks are Back in the Landscape! – Oct 2024

Songbird Decline: How You Can Help! – Sep 2024

Birding for Beginners: A Gateway to Nature and Adventure – Aug 2024

Birds Exemplify the Cycle of Life – July 2024

Pennsylvania-based Research Re-discovers “Extinct” Ivory-billed Woodpecker – June 2024

You Can Help Birds, Just by Looking Around – May 2024

Baby Bird Season: Please Don’t Kidnap the Babies! – Apr 2024

A Novel Way to Protect Our Birds – Mar 2024

Birding without the Bells and Whistles – Feb 2024

Winter Birding – Jan 2024

Finches Are Returning This Winter – Dec 2023

One Way to Help Birds This Winter – Nov 2023

Holy Flamingo! – Oct 2023

Bird Calls and Songs – Sep 2023

Backyard Birding – Aug 2023

A Salute to the Hummingbird – Jul 2023

Not All Migratory Birds Are Neotropical – Jun 2023

Warblers – May 2023

O for a Falconers Voice – Apr 2023

Report of a Rare Bird Chaser – Mar 2023

Waterfowl – Feb 2023

The Effects of Pollution on Birds – Jan 2023

The Winter Finches Are Back – Dec 2022

Our Amazing Wild Turkey – Nov 2022

Songs of the Year-round Birds – Oct 2022

Gardening for Birds and Pollinators – Sep 2022

Are You a Birder – Aug 2022

Meditations of a Beginning Birder – Jul 2022

Our Connection to the Tropics – Jun 2022

May Warblers Woodland Jewels – May 2022

Snow Goose Migration – Apr 2022

Early Nesters – Mar 2022


The Peregrine Falcon Project – Jan 2022

The Long and the Short of It – Dec 2021

Appreciating Our Feathered Friends – Nov 2021

Horned Larks–a bright spot in winter fields – Oct 2021

Birds of a Feather Flock Together – Sep 2021

Birding While Injured – Aug 2021

White-throated Sparrows Adopting New Songs – Jul 2021

Female Birds Sing, Too! – Jun 2021

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary founded nearly 90 years ago – May 2021

The Eastern Whip-poor-will is hard to see but its call is distinct – Apr 2021

Migration is Complicated – Mar 2021

In-town birdwatching possible anywhere – Feb 2021

The Pileated Woodpecker is a colorful, crested bird – Jan 2021

Combination of factors results in influx of northern finches – Dec 2020

Feeders can provide food source to birds in cold – Nov 2020

Bluebird resurgence a success story – Oct 2020

Let’s give our birds a hand — plant some natives – Aug 2020

Red-breasted Nuthatch – Jul 2020

Run-Birding: Want to run a four-minute mile and spot all your favorite birds? – May 2020

Birds are soon stopping by in massive spring migrations – Apr 2020

The Reluctant Birder – Mar 2020

Common loons are elegant and a birder’s delight – Feb 2020

Winter Owling in Pennsylvania – Jan 2020

Older articles (2015 to 2018)

