Category: PA Birdlists

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1997

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1997 by Terry Schiefer Sixty-seven  reports  were submitted to  Pennsylvania Birdlists for 1997, eight less than last year. There are now 46 birders whose Pennsylvania lifelists are […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1998

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1998 Compiled by Terence Schiefer Sixty-six reports were submitted to Pennsylvania Birdlists for 1998, one less than last year. There are now 49 birders whose Pennsylvania lifelists […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1999

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1999 Compiled by Peter Robinson A total of 84 reports were submitted for 1999, including 44 Pennsylvania state annual lists. There are now 52 birders whose Pennsylvania […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2000

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2000 Compiled by Peter Robinson A total of 67 reports were submitted for 2000, including 36 Pennsylvania state annual lists. Providing opportunities to add to PA Life […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2001

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2001 Compiled by Peter Robinson During 2001 some unusual species of birds were found in the state, and some of them stayed long enough to provide opportunities […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists

    Pennsylvania Birdlists One of the most rewarding aspects of Birding for many birders is listing – keeping lists of how many species you see in a given geo-political region (State, […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Annual Reports

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Annual Reports (Summaries of new highs, Bird of the Year, Birder’s Comments, etc.) 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2020

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2020 Compiled by Andy Keister At the conclusion of 2020, the number of birders who have reported PA Life Lists of 300 species or greater grew from […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2002

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2002 Compiled by Peter Robinson     A number of unusual species of birds were found in the state during 2002, many of them staying long enough to […]

  • Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2003

    Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 2003 Compiled by Peter Robinson A number of unusual species of birds were found in the state during 2003. Many of them stayed long enough to become […]

