Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1990

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Compiled by Terry Schiefer

Well, from the look of your lists you were all very busy birding in 1990. Six years ago when I started Pennsylvania Birdlists, the goal of seeing 300 species in Pennsylvania was a milestone achieved by only six birders.

Today those ranks have swelled to 18, the latest addition being Glenna Schwalbe. Congratulations! Some goals remained unattained in 1990, however, as Jerry McWilliam’s 300th Erie County bird continued to elude him. Will Jerry find number 300 in 1991? Stay tuned until next year.

This year both Steve Santner and Merrill Wood submitted lists for all 67 counties in Pennsylvania, although some lists did not meet our thresholds. Still, this is quite an accomplishment. How many of you have even been in every county?

The listing thresholds are as listed last year in PENNSYLVANIA BIRDS (Vol.4, No-1) with the addition that no county lifelists under 50 are included. Years in parentheses after a total indicate the last year the total was submitted.

