Pennsylvania Birds current and back issues

Back issues of Pennsylvania Birds are posted in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Issues for the past two years are only available to current members.

From Volume 1 to Volume 16, the reporting periods for each issue were:

Number 1 – Jan to Mar
Number 2 – Apr to Jun
Number 3 – Jul to Sep
Number 4 – Oct to Dec.

In the fall of 2002, we switched to the following reporting periods in order to match North American Birds. Therefore, the third and fourth issues of Volume 16 were combined to cover the period Jul to Nov to cover the transition.

Number 1 – Dec to Feb
Number 2 – Mar to May
Number 3 – Jun to Jul
Number 4 – Aug to Nov

NOTE: Because of font and software incompatibilities earlier issues of the magazine will not look exactly like the original. However, the pagination has been preserved so that an article appearing on page 35 in the original will still be on page 35 in the reproduction.

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

List of Pennsylvania Birds issues

Click on the Issue (V22N3, etc.) to download the issue.
Depending on your browser settings, it will automatically open up in Acrobat Reader (or the equivalent) or simply download to your download folder (the Down-Arrow up on your toolbar), where you can then click on it to open.

