Tag: Susquehanna River

  • 149-03-2019 Harlequin Duck Luzerne

    Species: Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 11/25/2019-11/26/2019 County: Luzerne Location: Susquehanna River–Pittston Observer(s): Rick Koval, Eric Zawatski, Jonathan DeBalko Submitted by: Rick Koval, […]

  • 360-01-2019 Sabine’s Gull Lancaster

    Species: Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  9/2/2019 County :   Lancaster Location :  Conejohela Flats, Washington Boro GPS Coordinates:  39.980242, -76.477463 Observer(s):  Zachary Millen, […]

  • 063-02-2019 Brown Booby Northumberland

    Species: Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 07/06/2019 County: Northumberland Location: Susquehanna River near Isle of Que Observer(s): Jeanetta Wanner Submitted by: Central PA […]

  • 099-01-2019 Wood Stork Dauphin

    Species: Wood Stork (Mycteria americana) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/29/2019 County :   Dauphin Location :  Haldeman Island GPS Coordinates:  40.4291165, -76.9945314 Observer(s):  Clay Lutz, Wyant Knepp […]

  • 097-03-2018 Roseate Spoonbill Lancaster

    Species: Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  8/23-27/2018 County :   Lancaster Location :  Conejohela Flats, Susquehanna River; Riverfront Park GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Monika Edwards, […]

  • 334-01-2017 Long-tailed Jaeger Lycoming

    Species: Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  8/26/2017 County :   Lycoming Location :  Williamsport River Walk GPS Coordinates:  41.238676, -76.998403 Observer(s):  Maddi Dunlap, David […]

  • 268-01-2017 Black-necked Stilt Lancaster

    Species: Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  4/28/2017 County :   Lancaster Location :  Susquehanna River at Norman Wood Bridge GPS Coordinates:  39.8205, -76.3186 Observer(s):  […]

  • 829-01-2016 Le Conte’s Sparrow Lancaster

    Species: Le Conte’s Sparrow (Ammodrammus leconteii) Number of Individuals observed:  2 Date of Sighting: 10/16/2016 County :   Lancaster Location : Bainbridge Islands GPS Coordinates: 40.079270, -76.669131 Observer(s): Zachary Millen, J. […]

  • 168-01-2016 Swallow-tailed Kite Dauphin

    Species: Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 4/6/2016 County :   Dauphin Location :  Dauphin Boro GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Robert Weaver Date of Submission:   4/6/2016 […]

  • 009-01-2015 Eared Grebe, Dauphin

    Species:  Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   04-21-2015 County :    Dauphin Location :    Susquehanna River, immediately east of the West Fairview Boat Launch GPS Coordinates:   […]

