Tag: Lycoming County

  • 074a-01-2021 Neotropic Cormorant Lycoming

    Species: Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 4/11/2021 – 4/13/2021 County: Lycoming Location: Williamsport Dam, Williamsport GPS coordinates: 41.2347685,-77.0060921 Observer(s): Brett Matlock, Mike Fialkovich, […]

  • 331-03-2020 Red Phalarope Lycoming

    Species: Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/10/29 County: Lycoming Location: Williamsport Dam GPS coordinates: 41.2347685, -77.0060921 Observers: Bobby Brown and Deb Brown eBird […]

  • 009-01-2020 Eared Grebe Lycoming

    Species: Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/09/15 County: Lycoming Location: Rose Valley Lake GPS coordinates: 41.386983, -76.98907270000001 Observers: Brett Matlock, Bobby Brown, and […]

  • 002a-01-2020 Pacific Loon Lycoming

    Species: Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 05-21-2020 County: Lycoming Location: Gamble Township – Rose Valley Lake GPS coordinates: 41.39189,-76.99238 Observer(s): Eric Hartshaw, Bobby […]

  • 149-01-2019 Harlequin Duck Lycoming

    Species: Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  11/13/2019, 12/7/2019 County :   Lycoming Location :  Lycoming Creek near Elm Park, West Branch Susquehanna River near […]

  • 338-02-2019 Franklin’s Gull Lycoming

    Species: Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/4/2019 County :   Lycoming Location :  Route 15 Overlook / Montgomery Pike Scenic Overlook GPS Coordinates:  41.226237, […]

  • 171-02-2019 Mississippi Kite Lycoming

    Species: Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  6/28/2019 County :   Lycoming Location :  Tennis Courts at McCall Middle School, Montoursville GPS Coordinates:  41.256735, -76.905103 […]

  • 780-02-2019 Summer Tanager Lycoming

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 5/3/2019 County :   Lycoming Location : Mill St., Montoursville GPS Coordinates: 41.234119, -76.931313 Observer(s): Bobby Brown, Andy […]

  • 780-01-2019 Summer Tanager Lycoming

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 5/1/2019 County :   Lycoming Location : 4158 Pine Run Rd, Linden GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Mark Lengel, Deb […]

  • 829-02-2018 LeConte’s Sparrow Lycoming

    Species: LeConte’s Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  4/21/2018 County :   Lycoming Location :  Rose Valley Lake GPS Coordinates:  41.393788, -76.990885 Observer(s):  Bobby Brown, Norwood […]

