087-01-2007 Tricolored Heron
Date of Sighting: 8/28-29/2007 County : Juniata Location : Mifflintown River Access on the Juniata River GPS coordinates of sighting: 40.5947941,-77.4149466 Observer(s): Chad Kaufman Date of Submission: 10-26-2012 Submitted by: […]
839-03-2005 Harris’s Sparrow
Harris’s Sparrow — near Oakland Mills, Juniata County; May 6, 2006. Photos by Chad Kauffman. This adult was originally found back on November 28, 2005 and was still present when these […]
791-01-2004 Lazuli Bunting
Lazuli Bunting — near Oakland Mills, Juniata County on April 27, 2004. Photo by Deuane Hoffman. Note the light wingbars, buffy breast, and turquoise blue head, wings, and tail. This […]
799-01-2002 Green-tailed Towhee
646-01-1997 Northern Wheatear
This bird represents the 2nd documented record for Pennsylvania and the first record for Juniata County! This is another photo of the same bird above.