Tag: Erie County

  • 788-01-2012 Black-headed Grosbeak

    Species: Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus Date of Sighting: 9-24-2012 County : ERIE Location : Presque Isle State Park, Sidewalk Trail, from Bayside entrance GPS Coordinates: 42.115383, -80.152069 Observer(s): Nancy Andersen, […]

  • 557-01-2012 Western Kingbird

    Species: Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis Date of Sighting: 9-29-2012 4:30 pm County : Erie Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK, Long Pond Trail, cement pier GPS Coordinates: 42.1555577, -80.1043117 Observer(s): […]

  • 261-02-2012 Piping Plover

    Species: Piping Plover Charadrius melodus Date of Sighting:   8-12-2012     11:05 AM County : ERIE Location : Presque Isle State Park GPS coordinates of sighting: 42.171578,-80.079088 Observer(s): Daniel […]

  • 261-01-2012 Piping Plover

    Species: Piping Plover    Charadrius melodus circumcintus Date of Sighting:  07-13-2012 County :   Erie Location :   Sunset Point, Presque Isle State Park GPS coordinates of sighting:  42.173105,-80.092785 Observer(s):  […]

  • 840a-01-2012 Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco

    Species: Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco  Junco hyemalis Date of Sighting:  25 March 2012 to 25 March 2012 County : ERIE     Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Michele Rundquist-Franz Date […]

  • 257-01-2012 Snowy Plover

    Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Date of Sighting:  3 June 2012 to 4 June 2012 County : ERIE   Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Shannon Thompson, Dave Wilton, m.obs Date […]

  • 171-01-2012 Mississippi Kite

    Species: Mississippi Kite    Ictinia mississippiensis Date of Sighting: 24 May 2012 to 24 May 2012 County : ERIE      Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Jerry McWilliams […]

  • 561-01-2012 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    This Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was found by Mark Vass.  It represents the 2nd record for Erie County.  The photo at the bottom left was taken by Mark.  The top three were taken […]

  • 087-01-2012 Tricolored Heron

    Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor Date of Sighting:  27 May 2012 to 1 June 2012 County : ERIE  Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Shannon Thompson, Dave Wilton, m.obs Date of […]

  • 746-01-2012 Kirtland’s Warbler

    Species: Kirtland’s Warbler     Dendroica kirtlandii Date of Sighting:  22 May 2012 to 22 May 2012 County : ERIE      Location : ERIE Observer(s): Mike Weible, multiple observers Date […]

