108-01-2009 Pink-footed Goose
838a-02-2008 “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow
“Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow — Peace Valley Park, Bucks County; November 10, 2008. Photos by Howard Eskin. This bird was found by August Mirabella. These two photos show the absence of the […]
334-01-2008 Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger — near Tullytown, Bucks County; September 6-7, 2008. Photos by Devich Farbotnik. This light juvenile bird was found by Devich Farbotnik during the passing of tropical storm Hanna. Note […]
268-01-2008 Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt — At an undisclosed location, Bucks County; May 16, 2008. Photo by Devich Farbotnik. These two birds were found and photographed by Devich.
838a-01-2008 “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow
351-01-2007 Slaty-backed Gull
Eurasian Wigeon – Bucks County
390-01-2007 Long-billed Murrelet
266-01-2007 American Oystercatcher
346-01-2007 California Gull
California Gull — Tullytown, Bucks County; January 13, 2007. Photo by Sandra Keller.