Note: All records listed here have been accepted by PORC and published in their Annual Report unless otherwise noted. All records are listed in reverse chronological order.

Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; August 14, 2011. Photo by Jerry McWilliams. (Under Review)

Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; April 27, 2005. Photo by Ben Coulter.

Washington Boro, Lancaster County; May 31, 2002. Photo by Tom Amico.

Yellow Creek State Park, Indiana County; April 30, 2002. Photos by Roger Higbee.

Washington Boro, Lancaster County; September 1, 2000. Photo by Bob Schutsky.


Piping Plover — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; August 14, 2011. Jerry McWilliams. This bird was found by Brian Berchtold on the 13th.


Piping Plover — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; April 27, 2005. Photo by Ben Coulter.


Piping Plover — Washington Boro, Lancaster County; May 31, 2002. Photo by Tom Amico.

Piping Plover — Yellow Creek State Park, Indiana County; April 30, 2002. Photos by Roger Higbee.


Piping Plover — Washington Boro, Lancaster County; September 1, 2000. Photo by Bob Schutsky.

