Pennsylvania Bird Atlas

Pennsylvania’s Bird Atlas (PBA3) is a statewide inventory of birds breeding and overwintering in the state.

This will be PA’s 3rd atlas, following atlases conducted in the 1980s and early 2000s. The PBA3 will rely on thousands of volunteer birders visiting small blocks (~9 sq. miles) across the state and documenting the species and breeding evidence observed in those blocks. The results of the PBA3 will help us detect population and distributional changes for the birds of PA – information that is critical for designating species of conservation concern and informing land management and protection.

The PBA3 began on January 1, 2024, and will run through early 2029. This presentation will outline why we conduct atlases, innovations in the PBA3, and how birders of all skill level can contribute data.

Links to the Atlas

Quick Guide

eBird PA Bird Atlas Portal

PBA3 Handbook
A downloadable and printable version of the PBA3 Handbook

PA Bird Atlas Facebook and Discord Channel:
Facebook Link
Discord Channel Invite Link

