Harlequin Duck Records Note: All records listed here have been accepted by PORC and published in their Annual Report unless otherwise noted. All records are listed in reverse chronological order.
Near Martins Creek, Northampton County; December 28-31, 2010. Photos by Stephen Kloiber, Dave DeReamus, Dustin Welch, and Rick Wiltraut.
Huntingdon, Huntingdon County; December 20-21, 2010. Photos by Drew Weber and Wayne Laubscher.
Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; February 21, 2010. Photos by Jerry McWilliams.
Warren, Warren County; February 2, 2008. Photo by Derek Farr. Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; November 21-23, 2004. Photos by Ben Coulter.
Harlequin Duck — near Martins Creek, Northampton County; December 28, 2010. Photo by Stephen Kloiber. This bird was found by Stephen Kloiber while birding with Kathy Sieminski. This bird represents the 1st documented record for Northampton County.
Harlequin Duck — near Martins Creek, Northampton County; December 28, 2010. Photos by Dave DeReamus. Here are two more photos of the same bird above. Harlequin Duck — near Martins Creek, Northampton County; December 29, 2010. Photos by Dustin Welch. Here are two more photos including a flight shot.
Harlequin Duck — near Martins Creek, Northampton County; December 31, 2010. Photo by Rick Wiltraut. Here’s another photo of the same bird above.
Harlequin Duck — Huntingdon, Huntingdon County; December 20, 2010. Photo by Drew Weber. This bird was found by the Kylers and Gene Zielinski during the local Christmas Bird Count. This photo displays the distinctive markings.
Harlequin Duck — Huntingdon, Huntingdon County; December 21, 2010. Photos by Wayne Laubscher. Here are two more photos of the same bird above. The Harlequin Duck is the left-hand bird in the flight photo below.
Harlequin Duck — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; February 21, 2010. Photos by Jerry McWilliams. These photos display the distinctive adult male markings.
Harlequin Duck — Warren, Warren County; February 2, 2008. Photo by Derek Farr. This first-winter male was found by Cara Farr on the Allegheny River in downtown Warren.
Harlequin Duck — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; November 23, 2004. Photo by Ben Coulter.
Harlequin Duck — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; November 21, 2004. Photo by Ben Coulter.