Curlew Sandpiper Records Note: All records listed here have been accepted by PORC and published in their Annual Report unless otherwise noted. All records are listed in reverse chronological order.

Near Martins Creek, Northampton County; May 13, 2004. Photos by Bill Etter.


Curlew Sandpiper — near Martins Creek, Northampton County; May 13, 2004. Photos by Bill Etter. This bird was found by Rick Wiltraut at the Martins Creek PPL power plant’s ‘fly-ash’ pond. This photo manages to show the fairly long, downcurved bill, the chestnut head and underparts, and the light undertail coverts. This bird represents the 1st record for Northampton County and only the 2nd record for Pennsylvania!

This photo shows the fairly long, downcurved bill with the whitish area at its base, the chestnut head and underparts, and the light undertail coverts.

