Certificates of Appreciation

Certificates of Appreciation (COA) are sent to persons who permit birders to come onto their property (and frequently into their house!) in order to see a rare bird that has taken up residence (temporary or otherwise) on thier property.

How to nominate a person for this award

If you would like to nominate someone for a COA, please send their name, address, species of bird hosted, and month and year of the occurrence to Sandy Lockerman.

The following persons (or organizations) have been issued COAs.

  1. Scotts Oriole, Karen Atwood, Cumberland Co.
  2. Scotts Oriole, Candy Maneval, Cumberland Co.
  3. Scotts Oriole, Ray Penick, Cumberland Co.
  4. Lark sparrow, the Smithโ€™s, Bucks Co.
  5. Townsendโ€™s Solitaire, Norman & Jean Anderson, Erie Co.
  6. Dickcissel, Marilyn Snell, Cumberland Co.
  7. Lark Sparrow, Joe Shatzer, Franklin Co.
  8. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Steve Wolfe, Northampton Co.
  9. Snowy Owl, Keith Spicher, Mifflin Co.
  10. Harrisโ€™s Sparrow, Aden and Mary Troyer, Juniata Co.
  11. Ash-throated Flycatcher, Joyce Sheaffer, Lancaster Co.
  12. Rufous Hummingbird, Ray and Eydie Posel, Washington Co.
  13. Western Kingbird, the Schildtโ€™s, Lancaster Co.
  14. Sora and Virginia Rail, Jim and Joan Moore
  15. Lark Sparrow and Red Crossbill, Stephen and Mary Ann Belin, Clearfield Co.
  16. Rufous Hummingbird, Sondra and Donald Cannon, Allegheny Co.
  17. Western Tanager, Jean Stull and Toby Cunningham, Erie Co.
  18. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, David Troyer, Juniata Co.
  19. Harrisโ€™s Sparrow and Yellow-headed Blackbird, Leslie Ducharme, Lancaster Co.
  20. Snowy Owl, Fred Hite, Cambria Co.
  21. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Leroy Troyer, Juniata Co.
  22. Rufous Hummingbird, Ray and Eydie Posel, Washington Co.
  23. Varied Thrush, Peter and Denise Reinhart, Lehigh Co.
  24. Rufous Hummingbird, Melvin and Armetta Rhoads, Clarion Co.
  25. Western Grebe, Senator Pat Vance, Cumberland Co.
  26. Rufous Hummingbird, Joan Wagner, Franklin Co.
  27. Western Meadowlark, Stephen Zook, Dauphin Co.
  28. Saw-whet Owl, Birmingham Lafayette Cemetery, Chester Co.
  29. Snowy Owl, Aden Miller, Crawford Co.
  30. Snowy Owl, John Miller, Crawford Co.
  31. Brewerโ€™s Blackbird, Marylea Klauder, Montgomery Co.
  32. Allenโ€™s Hummingbird, Debra Raudenbush, Lancaster Co.
  33. Rufous Hummingbird, Chris Stamper, Lehigh Co.
  34. Rufous Hummingbird, Denise Shaffer, Lancaster Co.
  35. Rufous Hummingbird, Harold Lebo, Berks Co.
  36. Eurasian Collared-Dove, Lennia Hamsher, Berks Co.
  37. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Aden and Mary Troyer, Juniata Co.
  38. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, David Troyer, Juniata Co.
  39. Dickcissel, John E. Zook, Lancaster Co.
  40. Purple Gallinule, Roy Compton, McKean Co.
  41. Purple Gallinule, Tom and Maryanne Johnston, McKean Co.
  42. Allenโ€™s Hummingbird, Edith Bailey (Landis Homes), Lancaster Co.
  43. Allenโ€™s Hummingbird, Beth Rohrer (Landis Homes), Lancaster Co.
  44. Dickcissel, and numerous others, David and Arlene Koch, Northampton Co.
  45. Selasphorus sp. Hummingbird, Ed Sinkler, Northampton Co.
  46. Cattle Egret, Oliver Griswold, Allegheny Co.
  47. Cattle Egret, Curry and Denise Wagner, Dauphin Co.
  48. Annaโ€™s Hummingbird, Renee Gery, Berks Co.
  49. Annaโ€™s Hummingbird, Steve Fisher, Berks Co.
  50. Rufous Hummingbird, Gale Rosenman, Montgomery Co.
  51. Selasphorus sp. Hummingbird, Barbara Sullivan, Bucks Co.
  52. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, The Davies Family, Montgomery Co.
  53. Townsendโ€™s Warbler, Cobbs Creek Environmental Education Center, Delaware Co.
  54. Summer Tanager, The Landis Family, Crawford Co.
  55. White-winged Crossbill, Andy Troyer, Crawford Co.
  56. Pheucticus species, Warren Area High School, Warren Co.
  57. White Ibis, Highspire Boating Association, Cumberland Co.
  58. White Ibis, Mark Shartle, Cumberland Co.
  59. Eurasian Collared Dove, Light Touch Interior Landscaping, Lebanon Co.
  60. Sayโ€™s Phoebe, Vicky Smith, Bucks Co.
  61. Ash-throated Flycatcher, Vern Gauthier, Cumberland Co.
  62. Snowy Owl, S and W Race Cars, Chester Co.
  63. Townsendโ€™s Warbler, Dr. Andrew Green, Cumberland Co.
  64. Pine Warbler, Dr. Andrew Green, Cumberland Co.
  65. Rufous Hummingbird, Scott and Linda Burnet, Lehigh Co.
  66. Rufous Hummingbird, Jacobsburg State Park, Northampton Co.
  67. Rufous Hummingbird, David and Rhoda Wagner, Northampton Co.
  68. Rufous Hummingbird, Sylvia and Tom Harrington, Northampton Co.
  69. Rufous Hummingbird, Scott Kinzey, Allegheny Co.
  70. Rufous Hummingbird, Tim and Kathy Becker, Dauphin Co.
  71. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Jim and Lorraine Hamilton, Huntington Co.
  72. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Mary Ache, Montgomery Co.
  73. Snowy Owl, Erin Lufsey, Armstrong Co.
  74. Rufous Hummingbird, Peter Keyel, Allegheny Co.
  75. Bullockโ€™s Oriole, Ben Davies and family, Montgomery Co.
  76. Snowy Owl, The Bowser Family, Armstrong Co.
  77. Snowy Owl, Sonny and Penny Kelley, Armstrong Co.
  78. Rufous Hummingbird, Carol Winslow, Clarion Co.
  79. Calliope Hummingbird, Joe Flood, Chester Co.
  80. Calliope Hummingbird, Bob and Amy Weiss, Lancaster Co.
  81. Allenโ€™s Hummingbird, Babe Webster, Bucks Co.
  82. Evening Grosbeak, David L. Yeany, Sr., Forest Co.
  83. Rufous Hummingbird, Becky Smith, Allegheny Co.
  84. Rufous Hummingbird, Kim Marasco, Allegheny Co.
  85. Rufous Hummingbird, Bernice & Anthony Ziniewicz, Luzerne Co.
  86. Rufous Hummingbird, Alane Younger, Lehigh Co.
  87. Common Redpoll, Kim Steininger, Chester Co.
  88. Rufous Hummingbird, Robert & Teresa Tule, Lycoming Co.
  89. Rufous Hummingbird, Harold and Betty Klase, Juniata Co.
  90. Rufous Hummingbird, Bob and Tina Swarner, Juniata Co.
  91. Rufous Hummingbird, Candy Messinger, York Co.
  92. Rufous Hummingbird, Dan Bogar, Perry Co.
  93. Rufous Hummingbird, Mary Ache, Montgomery Co.
  94. Rufous Hummingbird, Gary Freed, Montgomery Co.
  95. Rufous Hummingbird, John and Gibby Vogel, Somerset Co.
  96. Rufous Hummingbird, Karen Hall, Lycoming Co.
  97. Rufous Hummingbird, Diane Dincher, Lycoming Co.
  98. Bahama Woodstar, Delmas and Ruth Witmer and Family, Lancaster Co.
  99. Black-chinned Hummingbird, Dale Gearhart, Franklin Co.
  100. MacGillivrayโ€™s Warbler, Sue Hannon, Dauphin Co.
  101. Rufous Hummingbird, Marie and Bill Hartranft, Berks Co.
  102. Rufous Hummingbird, Kate Hastings, Northumberland Co.
  103. LeConte’s Sparrow, Harold and Margaret Lehman, Cumberland Co.
  104. Rufous Hummingbird, Scott Kinzey, Allegheny Co.
  105. Rufous Hummingbird, Barbara Malt, Lehigh Co.
  106. Rufous Hummingbird, Sherri and Donna Ney, Schuylkill Co.
  107. Rufous Hummingbird, Jeff Payne, Somerset Co.
  108. Rufous Hummingbird, Bob and Kathy Pruznick, Northampton Co.
  109. Rufous Hummingbird, Jo and Jim Smoker, Berks Co.
  110. Rufous Hummingbird, Wendi and Bill Wetzel, Lehigh Co.
  111. Rufous Hummingbird, Mary Zeigler, Centre Co.
  112. Purple Gallinule, Harry Goshorn, Cumberland Co.
  113. Selasphorus Hummingbird, Bill and Sue Keim, Bucks Co.
  114. Rufous Hummingbird, Bruce and Sherri Carl, Lancaster Co.
  115. Harrisโ€™s Sparrow, Lee and Doris Mae Kennedy, Cumberland Co.
  116. Evening Grosbeaks, The Yeany Family, Forest Co.
  117. Evening Grosbeaks, John & Holly Dzemyan, McKean Co.
  118. Rufous Hummingbird, Ruth Cook, Chester Co.
  119. Rufous Hummingbird, Vicky McGinnis, Jefferson Co.
  120. Rufous Hummingbird, Deb & Ralph Siefken, Adams Co.
  121. Rufous Hummingbird, Ethel & Terry Sherman, Dauphin Co.
  122. Western Tanager, Dick & Darla Snyder, Centre Co.
  123. Clay-colored Sparrow, Chester Oberholtzer, Lancaster Co.
  124. Mountain Bluebird, Margret & Matt Balitsaris, Bucks Co.
  125. Mountain Bluebird, Laure Duval, Bucks Co.
  126. Dickcissel, Gordon Hall, Cumberland Co.
  127. Anna’s Hummingbird, Greg Smith, York Co.
  128. Black-chinned Hummingbird, The Brown Family, Lycoming Co.
  129. Tropical Kingbird, Bob Schutsky, Lancaster Co.
  130. Snowy Owl, Brennan Coates, Bradford Co.
  131. Snowy Owl, Diane Davis, Bradford Co.
  132. Rufous Hummingbird, Georgia and John Garbini, Berks Co.
  133. Cattle Egret, Michael Kovach, Mercer Co.
  134. Rufous Hummingbird, Mike and Jan Slater, Berks Co.
  135. Iceland, Glaucous, & other gull species, Southeast Chester Co. Refuse Authority, Chester Co.
  136. Rufous Hummingbird, Lisa and Doug Strouse, Lycoming Co.
  137. Rufous Hummingbird, Delmas and Ruth Witmer and Family, Lancaster Co.
  138. Evening Grosbeak, The Yeany Family, Forest Co.
  139. Bullock’s Oriole, Janie and LaVern Yutky, Lancaster Co.
  140. Townsend’s Warbler, Katie Yelinek, Columbia Co.
  141. Black-backed Oriole, Sue & Richard Hybki, Berks Co.
  142. Black-backed Oriole, Linda & Thomas Binder, Berks Co.
  143. Snowy Owl, Eric Miller, Crawford Co.
  144. Snowy Owl, Aden Miller, Crawford Co.
  145. Yellow-headed Blackbird, Alvin Stolzfus, Centre Co.
  146. Swallow-tailed Kite, Anthony & Kathy Showalter, Snyder Co.
  147. Western Tanager, Michael & Jeanne O’Shea, Bucks Co.
  148. Harris’s Sparrow, Mike Lucas, Bucks Co.
  149. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Berhard & Irene Frey. Crawford Co.
  150. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Shawn Collins. Crawford Co.
  151. Varied Bunting, John & Elizabeth Cain, Allegheny Co.
  152. Hudsonian Godwit and other bird species, R & B Kreider, Lebanon Co.
  153. Dickcissel, Alvin Wenger and Family, Snyder Co.
  154. Harris’s Sparrow, Chester Zook and Family, Dauphin Co.
  155. Evening Grosbeaks, Flo and James McGuire, Forest Co.
  156. Western Meadowlark, Matt and Michelle Byler, Mifflin Co.
  157. Western Meadowlark, J. Irvin Zook, Mifflin Co.
  158. Anna’s Hummingbird, Lois Bryman, Chester Co.
  159. Rufous Hummingbird, Susan & Armit Harrison, Bucks Co.
  160. Rufous Hummingbird, Wayne & Karen Lattuca, Bucks Co.
  161. Varied Thrush, Jolene Hallock and Family, McKean Co.
  162. Painted Bunting, Brian Shema, Allegheny Co.
  163. Dickcissel, Eva Zimmerman, Lancaster Co.
  164. Painted Bunting, Bill & Linda Keens, Berks Co.
  165. Summer Tanager, Kevin & Karen Parsons, Allegheny Co.
  166. Mississippi Kite, Andrew Pumford family, Indiana Co.
  167. Rufous Hummingbird, Don Nixon, Clearfield Co.
  168. Calliope Hummingbird, Jady & Bill Conroy, York Co.
  169. Townsend’s Solitaire, Caledonia State Park, Franklin Co.
  170. Allenโ€™s Hummingbird, Adrian Binns and Debby Beer, Delaware Co.
  171. Snowy Owl, Rachelle Heffner, McKean Co.
  172. Allen’s Hummingbird, Pete & Kat DeStefano, Philadelphia Co.
  173. Hoary Redpoll, Susan Braun, Centre Co.
  174. Clay-colored, Field, Chipping and Fox Sparrows, Roger & Margaret Higbee, Indiana Co.
  175. Scott’s Oriole, Henry and Linda King, Lancaster Co.
  176. King Rail, Steven Sherrill, Centre Co.
  177. Yellow-headed Blackbird, Scott and Jennifer Furlong, Allegheny Co.
  178. Trumpeter Swan, Marcus Burkholder, Cumberland Co.
  179. Roseate Spoonbill, Nancy Dunsmore, Cumberland Co.
  180. Roseate Spoonbill, Erica and Scott Miller, Cumberland Co.
  181. Rufous Hummingbird, Norann Kauffman, Juniata Co.
  182. Yellow-headed Blackbird, Dan & Mary Wise, Clarion Co.
  183. Rufous Hummingbird, Lucy Heggenstaller, Clinton Co.
  184. Rufous Hummingbird. Greg Tomb, Indiana Co.
  185. Hermit Warbler, Chichester Baptist Church, Delaware Co.
  186. Common Shelduck, Greater Lebanon Refuse Facility, Lebanon Co.
  187. Rufous Hummingbird, Deb & William Rittlemann, Centre Co.
  188. American Flamingo, Richard & Diane Fusting, Franklin Co.
  189. Swainson’s Hawk, David & Donna Etchberger, Northumberland Co.
  190. Tropical Kingbird, Deanne Boyer and Willow Run Farm, Berks Co.
  191. Shorebirds & waterfowl, Wilmer N. and Nancy B. Burkholder, Berks Co.
  192. Summer Tanager, Jim and Sue Ralston, Washington, Co.
  193. Rufous Hummingbird, Linda Ingram, Berks Co.
  194. Allen’s Hummingbird, Lisa Aderhold, Lehigh Co.
  195. Rufous Hummingbird, Russ Hunt & Jane Barker-Hunt, Bucks Co.
  196. Rufous Hummingbird, Rusy Keller, Berks Co.
  197. Anna’s Hummingbird, Gail & Todd Silvis, Somerset Co.
  198. Clay-colored Sparrow and Dickcissel, Tom & Sharon Norville, Susquehanna Co.
  199. Rufous Hummingbird, Deb & William Rittelmann, Centre Co.
  200. Bullock’s Oriole, the Steven Peachey Family, Juniata Co.



