Category: eBird Expedited Review

  • 737-05-2020 Black-throated Gray Warbler Lebanon

    737-05-2020 Black-throated Gray Warbler Lebanon Species: Black-throated Gray Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/09/15 – 2020/09/26 County: Lebanon Location: Clear Spring Rd., Annville GPS […]

  • 780-03-2020 Summer Tanager Montgomery

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/09/12 County: Montgomery Location: Green Lane Reservoir GPS coordinates: 40.369880200000004, -75.5065441 Observers: Jason Hall eBird checklists with […]

  • 820-05-2020 Lark Sparrow Luzerne

    Species: Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/31 County: Luzerne Location: Francis E Walter Reservoir, White Haven Road GPS coordinates: 41.1284955, -75.73379849999999 Observers: Paul […]

  • 333-01-2020 Parasitic Jaeger Lancaster

    Species: Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 08-29-2020 County: Lancaster Location: Conejohela Flats GPS coordinates: 39.9743445,-76.4653158 Observer(s): Zachary Millen, Jason Horn, Ross Gallardy Date […]

  • 063-03-2020 Brown Booby Philadelphia

    Species: Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/22 County: Philadelphia Location: Philadelphia Army Corps of Engineers Compound (restricted access) GPS coordinates: 39.889655299999994, -75.2054787 Observers: […]

  • 093-01-2020 White Ibis York, Adams

    Species: White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/22 – 2020/08/25 County: York, Adams Location: Long Arm Reservoir GPS coordinates: 39.753631, -76.9982452 Observers: Dean Newhouse […]

  • 557-01-2020 Western Kingbird Delaware

    Species: Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/22 – 2020/09/19 County: Delaware Location: Delaware River–Hog Island Rd. (Delaware Co.) GPS coordinates: 39.8584371, -75.2606074 Observers: […]

  • 168-02-2020 Swallow-tailed Kite Cumberland

    Species: Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/14 – 2020/08/21 County: Cumberland Location: Oakville/Newville Rds., Shippensburg; Cumberland Valley Rail Trail–Oakville GPS coordinates: 40.1125872, -77.46138509999999 […]

  • 364-02-2020 Royal Tern Delaware

    Species: Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/11 County: Delaware Location: Delaware River–Hog Island Rd. (Delaware Co.) GPS coordinates: 39.8584371, -75.2606074 Observers: Al Guarente […]

  • 093-02-2020 White Ibis Cumberland

    Species: White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/08/08 County: Cumberland Location: Potato Road, Carlisle GPS coordinates: 40.2127119, -77.3561004 Observers: Bill Franz and Vern Gauthier […]

