346-03-2005 California Gull
California Gull — Presque Isle State Park, Erie County; November 20, 2005. Photos by Ben Coulter. This photo shows the bird’s greenish-yellow legs, the dark iris, the red and black markings […]
557-02-2005 Western Kingbird
This bird was found by Arlene Koch on a snag in her backyard. Note the very light throat and breast, the lemon-yellow belly, the pale gray head, and the white […]
331-01-2005 Red Phalarope
This photo was taken on September 6th. Two other photos of this bird (one from the 5th and one from the 6th) can be found on Geoff Malosh’s website.
291-01-2005 Long-billed Curlew
557-01-2005 Western Kingbird
Western Kingbird — Indiana County; July 22, 2005. Photo by Roger Higbee.
346-01-2005 California Gull
California Gull — Conejohela Flats, Lancaster County; May 14, 2005. Photo by Frank Haas. This photo shows the bird’s greenish-yellow legs, the dark iris, the red and black markings on the […]
662-01-2005 Redwing
650-01-2005 Townsend’s Solitaire
Townsend’s Solitaire — near Betula, McKean County, January 15, 2005. Photos by John Fedak. These two images were taken of video on a television screen, hence their ‘screened’ appearance. Townsend’s Solitaire […]
839-01-2005 Harris’s Sparrow
Harris’s Sparrow — near Stone Church, Northampton County; January through March 2005. Photo by Mike Schall. Rick Wiltraut found this first-year bird on January 15th at the same spot that he […]
360-01-2004 Sabine’s Gull
This nice flight shot shows the yellow-tipped bill and the dark gray hood on the head bordered by the dark ring. This photo also shows the yellow-tipped bill and the […]