Category: Class IV-A

  • 654a-01-2020 Bicknell’s Thrush Montgomery

    Species: Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/10/03 County: Montgomery Location: Elkins Park GPS coordinates: 40.0622419, -75.1250696 Observers: Paul Driver eBird checklists with confirmed […]

  • 232-01-2020 Black Rail Jefferson

    Species: Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020-06-05 County: Jefferson Location: Winslow Twp GPS coordinates: 41.1217636, -78.81058507 Observer(s): Stacy Wolbert Date of submission: 2020-08-17 […]

  • 171-03-2020 Mississippi Kite Montgomery

    Species: Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 06/02/2020 County: Montgomery Location: Merion Station GPS coordinates: 40.0031, -75.2560 Observer(s): Jason Waanders Date of submission: 07/15/2020 […]

  • 195-01-2020 Crested Caracara Montgomery

    Species: Crested Caracara (Caracara cheriway) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  2/27/2020 County :   Montgomery Location :  Evansburg State Park GPS Coordinates:  40.2000216, -75.4040673 Observer(s):  Michael Rosengarten, Bo […]

  • 186-01-2019 Swainson’s Hawk Mifflin

    Species: Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/15/2019 County :  Mifflin Location :  Stone Mountain Hawkwatch, Allensville, Menno Township GPS Coordinates:  40.57178, -77.82636 Observer(s):  […]

  • 829-01-2019 LeConte’s Sparrow Montgomery

    Species: LeConte’s Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/6/2019 County :   Montgomery Location :  Dixon Meadow Preserve GPS Coordinates:  40.100990, -75.243009 Observer(s):  Dave Belford Date […]

  • 333-01-2019 Parasitic Jaeger Erie

    Species: Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) Number of Individuals observed:  2 Date of Sighting:  9/2/2019 County :   Erie Location :  Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park GPS Coordinates:  42.1718410, -80.0838910 Observer(s):  […]

  • 074-01-2019 Anhinga Montgomery

    Species: Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  8/29/2019 County :   Montgomery Location :  Intersection of Rt. 202 and Morris Rd GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Christopher Thompson […]

  • 171-02-2017 Mississippi Kite Bedford

    Species: Mississippi Kite Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  9/16/2017 County :   Bedford Location :  Allegheny Front Hawk Watch GPS Coordinates:  40.08142, -78.72783 Observer(s):  Barb Carrier, Brian Wargo […]

  • 780-04-2016 Summer Tanager Bucks

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting: 5/8/2016 County :   Bucks Location :  Core Creek State Park, Langhorne GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Sharon Furlong, Carol […]

