Category: Accepted

  • 257-01-2012 Snowy Plover

    Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Date of Sighting:  3 June 2012 to 4 June 2012 County : ERIE   Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Shannon Thompson, Dave Wilton, m.obs Date […]

  • 171-01-2012 Mississippi Kite

    Species: Mississippi Kite    Ictinia mississippiensis Date of Sighting: 24 May 2012 to 24 May 2012 County : ERIE      Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Jerry McWilliams […]

  • 168-02-2012 Swallow-tailed Kite

    Species: Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus Date of Sighting: 30 April 2012 to 30 April 2012 County : ALLEGHENY Location : MARSHALL TOWNSHIP Observer(s): Grace Smith Date of Submission: 2012 Submitted […]

  • 009-01-2012 Eared Grebe

    This record was accepted based on the identifiable images provided by Alex. The distinctive head shape and facial feathering were well depicted in the photographs. Eared Grebe   Podiceps nigricollis […]

  • ‘Frigatebird species’ Records

  • 780-02-2012 Summer Tanager

    Species:   Summer Tanager Piranga rubra Date of Sighting:  7/4/2012 County :   LEBANON   Location : SPRING HILL ACRES DEVELOPMENT Observer(s): Jonathan Heller Date of Submission: 2012 Submitted by: Jonathan […]

  • 561-01-2012 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    This Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was found by Mark Vass.  It represents the 2nd record for Erie County.  The photo at the bottom left was taken by Mark.  The top three were taken […]

  • 087-01-2012 Tricolored Heron

    Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor Date of Sighting:  27 May 2012 to 1 June 2012 County : ERIE  Location : PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Observer(s): Shannon Thompson, Dave Wilton, m.obs Date of […]

  • 699-01-2012 Loggerhead Shrike

    Species: Loggerhead Shrike     Lanius ludovicianus Date of Sighting: 27 May 2012 to 27 May 2012 County : BUCKS      Location : TINICUM TOWNSHIP Observer(s): Mark Gallagher Date of […]

  • 746-01-2012 Kirtland’s Warbler

    Species: Kirtland’s Warbler     Dendroica kirtlandii Date of Sighting:  22 May 2012 to 22 May 2012 County : ERIE      Location : ERIE Observer(s): Mike Weible, multiple observers Date […]

