Category: Accepted

  • 333-03-2012 Parasitic Jaeger

    Species: Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus Date of Sighting: 11-25-2012 # of individuals: 3 County : ERIE Location : Sunset Point, Presque Isle S.P., Erie, Pa. GPS Coordinates: 42.166902, -80.114894 Observer(s): […]

  • 333-02-2012 Parasitic Jaeger

    Species: Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus Date of Sighting: 11-24-2012 # of Individuals: 3 County : ERIE Location : Sunset Point, Presque Isle S.P., Erie, Pa. GPS Coordinates: 42.166902, -80.114894 Observer(s): […]

  • 538-01-2012 Pacific-slope Flycatcher

    Species: Pacific-slope Flycatcher Empidonax difficilis Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 11/23/2012 County : Cumberland Location : State Gamelands 230 Carlisle GPS Coordinates: 40.276853,-77.180677 Observer(s): Ramsay Koury, Tom […]

  • 829-01-2012 Le Conte’s Sparrow

    Species: Le Conte’s Sparrow Ammodramus leconteii Date of Sighting: 11-21-2012 County : CHESTER Location : Wat erloo Mills Preserve GPS Coordinates: 40.027319 -75.418636 Observer(s): Kevin Fryberger Date of Submission: 11-27-2012 […]

  • 332-05-2012 Pomarine Jaeger

    Species: Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus Date of Sighting: 11-21-2012 7:50 am County : Erie Location : Sunset Point, Presque Isle S.P., Erie, Pa. GPS Coordinates: 42.166902, -80.114894 Observer(s): Jerry McWilliams, […]

  • 576-04-2012 Cave Swallow

    Species:  Cave Swallow  Petrochelidon fulva Date of Sighting:  11-17-2012 County :   PHIL Location :   Waste Water Treatment Plant near Richmond, PA GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):   Cameron Rutt, Ramsay Koury Date of […]

  • 492-02-2012 Calliope Hummingbird

    Species: Calliope Hummingbird Stellula calliope Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 11-11-2012 through 12-10-2012 County : Lancaster Location : 3200 Greenridge Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 GPS Coordinates: 40.050187,-76.411203 […]

  • 489-01-2012 Black-chinned Hummingbird

    Species: Black-chinned Hummingbird Archilochus alexandri Date of Sighting: 11-10-2012 County : Bucks Location : 38 E Cleveland Ave, Morrisville, PA backyard feeder GPS Coordinates: 40.201871,-74.771987 Observer(s): Rich Dulay Date of […]

  • 838a-01-2012 Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow

    Species: (Gambel’s) White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Date of Sighting: 11-7-2012 County : Bucks Location : 727 Blooming Glen Road, Blooming Glen, PA GPS Coordinates: 40.37483, -75.257038 Observer(s): Cameron Rutt; Regina […]

  • 089-04-2012 Cattle Egret

    Species: Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 11-06-2012 4:00 PM County : Philadelphia Location : John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge GPS Coordinates: 39.880433,-75.283563 Observer(s): […]

