Category: Accepted

  • 576-01-2015 Cave Swallow

    Species: Cave Swallow (Petrochelidon fulva) Number of Individuals: 1 Date of Sighting: 12/15/2015 County : Centre Location : The Nature Inn at Bald Eagle State Park GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Jon […]

  • 145-01-2015 King Eider Erie

    Species: King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 12/6/2015, 12/20/2015 County : Erie Location : Walnut Creek Access, Fairview Twp. GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Jerry McWilliams […]

  • 782-01-2015 Western Tanager Centre

    Species: Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) Number of Individuals: 1 Date of Sighting: 11-21-2015, 11-29-2015 County : Centre Location : 1810 Walnut Grove Drive, State College GPS Coordinates: 40.84018, -77.840651 Observer(s): […]

  • 063-01-2015 Brown Booby Bucks

    Species: Brown Booby Number of Individuals: 1 Date of Sighting: 11/18/2015 County : Bucks Location : Van Sciver Lake GPS Coordinates: 40°08’48.5″N 74°48’16.7″W Observer(s): Bill Keim, Nick Pulcinella, Chuck Berthoud […]

  • 338-01-2015 Franklin’s Gull Bucks

    Species: Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) Number of Individuals: 4 Date of Sighting: 11/13/2015 County : Bucks Location : Peace Valley Park GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Kurt Schwarz Date of Submission: 11/14/2015 […]

  • 186-02-2015 Swainson’s Hawk Montgomery

    Species: Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) Number of Individuals: 1 Date of Sighting: 10/23/2015 County : Montgomery Location : Militia Hill Hawk Watch GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Peter Burns and Andy Fayer […]

  • 093-02-2015 White Ibis Montgomery

    Species: White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) Number of Individuals: 1 Date of Sighting: 10-17-2015 County : Montgomery Location : Knight Lake, Green Lane Park, Green Lane, PA GPS Coordinates: Observer(s): Kevin […]

  • 557-01-2015 Western Kingbird Carbon

    Species:  Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/11/2015, 10/12/2015 County :    Carbon Location :    Palmerton, Lower Towamensing Township GPS Coordinates:   40.825130, -75.619778 Observer(s):   Richard Rehrig, […]

  • 186-01-2015 Swainson’s Hawk Schuylkill

    Species:  Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsonii) Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/4/2015 County :    Schuylkill Location :    Hawk Mountain Sanctuary – North Lookout GPS Coordinates:  40.641683, -75.991509 Observer(s):   Pablo […]

  • 321-01-2015 Ruff Franklin

    Species:  Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   9/26/2015 County :    Franklin Location :    Greencastle Reservoir GPS Coordinates:  39.792504, -77.688986 Observer(s):   Mark Vaas, Ian Gardner, Geoff Malosh, […]

