Category: Accepted

  • 186-01-2016 Swainson’s Hawk Montgomery

    Species:  Swainson’s Hawk Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   11/06/2016 County :    Montgomery Location :    Militia Hill Hawkwatch Deck, Fort Washington State Park GPS Coordinates:  40.120456, -75.222264 Observer(s):   Andrew […]

  • 268-01-2016 Black-necked Stilt Montgomery

    Species: Black-necked Stilt Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 11/2/2016, 11/3/2016, County :   Montgomery Location : Green Lake Park GPS Coordinates: 40.333342, -75.483681 Observer(s): Michael David, Jason Horn, […]

  • 089-03-2016 Cattle Egret Bucks

    Species:  Cattle Egret Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/28/2016 County :    Bucks Location :    Peace Valley Nature Center GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):   Lynne Falterbauer Date of Submission:   10/31/2016 Submitted […]

  • 576-01-2016 Cave Swallow Lycoming

    Species:  Cave Swallow Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/27/2016 County :    Lycoming Location :    Williamsport River Walk (north side), ¼ mile upstream of the dam GPS Coordinates:  41.233632, […]

  • 102-01-2016 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Lancaster

    Species: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Number of Individuals observed: 1 Date of Sighting: 10/25/2016, 10/26/2016 County :   Lancaster Location : Farm Lane, Ephrata, Hurst Road, Martindale GPS Coordinates: 40.1702608, -76.0948223; 40.165686, -76.093554 […]

  • 557-02-2016 Western Kingbird Lancaster

    Species:  Western Kingbird Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/21/2016 County :    Lancaster Location :    Chestnut Grove Natural Area GPS Coordinates:  39.94625, -76.43579 Observer(s):   Mike Epler Date of Submission:   […]

  • 089-04-2016 Cattle Egret Northumberland

    Species:  Cattle Egret Number of Individuals:   5 Date of Sighting:   10/20/2016 County :    Northumberland Location :    Fabridam Overlook GPS Coordinates:  40.849288, -76.803151 Observer(s):   Evan Houston Date of Submission:   10/20/2016 […]

  • 829-01-2016 Le Conte’s Sparrow Lancaster

    Species: Le Conte’s Sparrow (Ammodrammus leconteii) Number of Individuals observed:  2 Date of Sighting: 10/16/2016 County :   Lancaster Location : Bainbridge Islands GPS Coordinates: 40.079270, -76.669131 Observer(s): Zachary Millen, J. […]

  • 242-01-2016 Purple Gallinule Beaver

    Species:  Purple Gallinule Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/9/2016 County :    Beaver Location :    Ambridge Reservoir GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):   John Flannigan, Leslie Ferree Date of Submission:   10/9/2016 Submitted […]

  • 171-02-2016 Mississippi Kite Northampton

    Species:  Mississippi Kite Number of Individuals:   1 Date of Sighting:   10/4/2016 County :    Northampton Location :    Koch Property GPS Coordinates:  40.64957, -75.230627 Observer(s):   Arlene Koch Date of Submission:   10/22/2016 Submitted […]

