Category: Accepted

  • 333-01-2018 Parasitic Jaeger Erie

    Species: Parasitic Jaeger (Stercocarius parasiticus) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  11/8/2018 County :   Erie Location :  Presque Isle State Park GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Jerry McWilliams Date of […]

  • 782-03-2018 Western Tanager Bucks

    Species: Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  11/4/2018 County :   Bucks Location :  Maple Knoll Farms, Buckingham Township GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Richard Smith, Daniel […]

  • 002a-01-2018 Pacific Loon Erie

    Species: Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  11/6/2018 County :   Erie Location :  Walnut Creek Access GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Jerry McWilliams Date of Submission:  […]

  • 338-04-2018 Franklin’s Gull Bucks

    Species: Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipxcan) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  11/3/2018 County :   Bucks Location :  Peace Valley Park GPS Coordinates:  40.326142, -75.189400 Observer(s):  August Mirabella, Devich […]

  • 737-01-2018 Black-throated Gray Warbler Lancaster

    Species: Black-throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/17/2018 County :   Lancaster Location :  Noel S. Dorwart Memorial Park GPS Coordinates:  40.055827, -76.343265 Observer(s):  […]

  • 338-05-2018 Franklin’s Gull Bucks

    Species: Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/7/2018 County :   Bucks Location :  Penn Warner Tract (Private Property), Tullytown GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Holly Merker, […]

  • 338-06-2018 Franklin’s Gull Philadelphia

    Species: Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/7/2018 County :   Philadelphia Location :  Delaware River Trail, Walmart on Columbus Blvd by pier 68 GPS […]

  • 829-03-2018 LeConte’s Sparrow Bucks

    Species: LeConte’s Sparrow (Ammospiza leconteii) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/6/2018 County :   Bucks Location :  Pine Run Reservoir GPS Coordinates:  40.311160, -75.175940 Observer(s):  August Mirabella, Jason […]

  • 619-01-2018 Rock Wren Montgomery

    Species: Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  10/2/2018, 10/4/2018, 10/6/2018 County :   Montgomery Location :  Dixon Meadow Preserve GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Ben Dziedzic, Richard […]

  • 738-01-2018 Townsend’s Warbler Lehigh

    Species: Townsend’s Warbler (Dendroica townsendi) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  9/15/2018 County :   Lehigh Location :  Bake Oven Knob GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Scott Keys Date of Submission:  […]

