Category: Accepted

  • 794-03-2020 Painted Bunting Montgomery

    Species: Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 2020/05/22 County: Montgomery Location: Hill Rd, Perkiomenville GPS coordinates: 40.346958, -75.511892 Observers: Lisa Cameron eBird checklists with […]

  • 002a-01-2020 Pacific Loon Lycoming

    Species: Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 05-21-2020 County: Lycoming Location: Gamble Township – Rose Valley Lake GPS coordinates: 41.39189,-76.99238 Observer(s): Eric Hartshaw, Bobby […]

  • 171-02-2020 Mississippi Kite Indiana

    Species: Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/15/2020 County :   Indiana Location :  Washington St, Indiana GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Mike Fialkovich, Michael Barney, Eric […]

  • 171-01-2020 Mississippi Kite Schuylkill

    Species: Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/12/2020 County :   Schuylkill Location :  North Lookout, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary GPS Coordinates:  40.641756, -75.991402 Observer(s):  David […]

  • 780-01-2020 Summer Tanager Mercer

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/9/2020 County :   Mercer Location :  4950 Pine Cone, Hermitage GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Mimi Hoffmaster, Tom Kustar […]

  • 831-01-2020 Seaside Sparrow Philadelphia

    Species: Seaside Sparrow (Ammospiza maritima) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/9/2020 County :   Philadelphia Location :  FDR Park GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Charles Homler Date of Submission:  5/9/2020 […]

  • 780-02-2020 Summer Tanager Montgomery

    Species: Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) Number of individuals observed: 1 Date of sighting: 05/08/2020 County: Montgomery Location: Lower Merion – 421 Cotswold Lane GPS coordinates: 39.993726N 75.275280w Observer(s): Rob Bierregaard […]

  • 838a-02-2020 “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow Allegheny

    Species: ‘Gambel’s’ White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/6/2020 County :   Allegheny Location :  Mccandless Township GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Steve Gosser, Courtney Sikora […]

  • 096-01-2020 White-faced Ibis Northampton

    Species: White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  5/1/2020 County :   Northampton Location :  Retention pond along Nulton Ave GPS Coordinates:  40.6813327, -75.273621 Observer(s):  Bill […]

  • 234-01-2020 Clapper Rail Philadelphia

    Species: Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans) Number of Individuals observed:  1 Date of Sighting:  4/19/2020 County :   Philadelphia Location :  Delaware River Trail GPS Coordinates: Observer(s):  Adam Zahm Date of Submission:  […]

