Note: All records listed here have been accepted by PORC and published in their Annual Report unless otherwise noted. All records are listed in reverse chronological order.
Near Barto, Montgomery County ; January 2-3, 2011. Photos by Karah Davies, Tom Johnson, and Howard Eskin. (Under Review)
Near Oakland Mills, Juniata County ; November 23-28, 2007. Photos by Chad Kauffman and Bob Moul.
Bethlehem, Northampton County ; January 5, 2006. Photos by Steve Wolfe and Howard Eskin.
Mount Joy, Lancaster County ; January 2000. Photo by Mike Gockley.
Bullock’s Oriole — near Barto, Montgomery County; January 2-3, 2011. Photo by Karah Davies. This male was discovered at the Davies’ feeders. Note the dark crown and eye line on the head, the dark throat patch, and the large white wing patch. This bird represents the 1st record for Montgomery County and one of only a handful of records for Pennsylvania!
Bullock’s Oriole — near Barto, Montgomery County; January 2-3, 2011. Photo by Tom Johnson. Again, note the dark crown and eye line on the head, the dark throat patch, and the large white wing patch.
Bullock’s Oriole — near Barto, Montgomery County; January 2-3, 2011. Photo by Howard Eskin. Here’s yet another photo of this male.
Bullock’s Oriole — near Oakland Mills, Juniata County; November 23, 2007. Photos by Chad Kauffman. This male was photographed at the feeders of David Troyer, Aden Troyer’s oldest son. It was discovered by 12-year old Stevie Troyer, David’s son and Aden’s grandson. Note the dark crown and eye line on the head, the dark throat patch, and the large white wing patches.
Again, note the dark crown and eye line on the head, the dark throat patch, and the large white wing patches.
Bullock’s Oriole — near Oakland Mills, Juniata County; November 28, 2007. Photos by Bob Moul. These photos were taken five days later. More photos of this bird can be found on Bob Moul’s website.
Bullock’s Oriole — Bethlehem, Northampton County; January 5, 2006. Photo by Steve Wolfe. This photo was taken by Steve Wolfe, the property owner. Note the dark lores, yellow eyebrows, small black throat patch, yellow-orange breast, light belly, and the ‘notches’ in the wingbars. This bird represents the first record for Northampton County and only the 3rd documented record for Pennsylvania.
Bullock’s Oriole — Bethlehem, Northampton County; January 5, 2006. Photo by Howard Eskin. Again, note the dark lores, small black throat patch, yellow-orange breast, light belly, and the ‘notches’ in the wingbars.
Bullock’s Oriole — Mount Joy, Lancaster County; January 2000. Photo by Mike Gockley.