Pennsylvania Birdlists Summary 1996

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Compiled by Terry Schiefer

Seventy-five reports were submitted to Pennsylvania Birdlists for 1996, four less than last year. There are now 42 birders whose Pennsylvania lifelists are above 300. Joining this group for the first time are Don Henise, Ronald Leberman and Harold Lebo. During 1996 Deuane Hoffman birded throughout Pennsylvania, becoming the first birder to submit annual lists from every county in the state. His total number of county year birds was 7,639 for an average of 114 species per county! Deuane’s efforts where aided by a broken arm in April which meant no work and six weeks of birding. Is it just coincidence that this happened during spring migration?

Deuane also became only the second birder to see over 100 species in every county in the state. He now holds top county lists in twelve counties, followed by William Reid with four, and Margaret Higbee and Gene Wilhelm each with three. There are still 18 counties with top lists under 200.

Three 1996 Pennsylvania annual lists submitted by Deuane Hoffman, John Fedak, and Joyce Hoffmann were in the all time top 50. Deuane’s total of 291 is the fourth largest annual list ever reported for Pennsylvania, just 15 species short of the record.

