Species: Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus
report modified and accepted in round two voting as Jaeger Species
Date of Sighting: 10-30-2012
County : Lycoming
Location : Gamble, Rose Valley Lake
GPS Coordinates: 41.387467,-76.989362
Observer(s): Dan Brauning, Dave Ferry, Steve Pinkerton, Norwood Fredericks
Date of Submission: 2012-12-19 09:54:36
Submitted by: Dan Brauning

Written Description: Yes Photo: Yes Specimen: No Recording: No



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332-07-2012 Pomarine Jaeger
First Round Votes

6/16/2013 15:07 Cameron Rutt Class IV-A – record is probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt. I would accept this report for “jaeger sp,” but feel uncomfortable narrowing it down to the species level. The photos – although dark, blurry, and distant – do not appear inconsistent with Pomarine Jaeger; however, I do not feel that Parasitic Jaeger can be satisfactorily eliminated in either the written description or the photos. I appreciated the observer’s conservative and honest accounting of the bird, their experience with jaegers, and their own confidence level on the identification.

6/10/2013 1:41 Dave DeReamus Class III – Sight record documented by one observer. The photos and written report together were just enough to convince me of this ID.

4/19/2013 20:42 Mike Fialkovich Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

10/2/2013 14:46 Mike Lanzone Class I Diagnostic Photograph

10/12/2013 18:59 Ben Coulter Class I Diagnostic Photograph

10/21/2013 22:30 Devich Farbotnik Class I Other Photos supported by description, well some of it!
12/3/2013 14:05 Drew Weber Class IV-A – record is probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt. It looks pretty good but with the quality of the photos and the hesitance of the reporter, I am inclined to accept this as jaeger species.



