Species: Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicaria

Number of Individuals observed: 1
Date of Sighting: 10-30-2012
County : Dauphin
Location : West Fairview boat launch
GPS Coordinates: 40.272519, -76.914525
Observer(s): Alex Lamoreaux
Date of Submission: 2-26-2013
Submitted by: Alex Lamoreaux
Written Description: yes Photo: no Specimen: no Recording: no



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331-12-2012 Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicaria
First Round Votes

6/16/2013 14:04 Cameron Rutt Class IV-B – insufficient evidence for evaluation. For a swimming phalarope, there are two diagnostic (and not merely relative) differences available for differentiating Red and Red-necked Phalaropes: the yellow bill base and paler, unstreaked, gray back of Red Phalaropes. Neither of these were mentioned in this documentation and the latter should have been appreciable. The included details of this report were extremely minimal (one sentence) and did not adequately describe the bird and eliminate similar species.

6/8/2013 4:13 Dave DeReamus Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

6/11/2013 2:21 Devich Farbotnik Class IV-A – record is probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt.

6/3/2013 17:46 Drew Weber Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

4/18/2013 22:14 Mike Fialkovich Class III – Sight record documented by one observer. Brief description but I’m sure it’s correct. Would have liked to have read more details regarding separation from Red-necked although the bill and body shape was mentioned. The behavior description certainly confirms phalarope.

10/2/2013 23:31 Ben Coulter Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

10/3/2013 7:05 Mike Lanzone Class II – Sight record documented independently by 2 or more people.



