Long-tailed Jaeger — near Tullytown, Bucks County; September 6-7, 2008. Photos by Devich Farbotnik.ย This light juvenile bird was found by Devich Farbotnik during the passing of tropical storm Hanna. Note the light head and underparts and boldly barred undertail coverts. This bird represents the 2nd Bucks County record and only the 3rd record for Pennsylvania.

This light juvenile bird was found by Devich Farbotnik during the passing of tropical storm Hanna. Note the light head and underparts and boldly barred undertail coverts. This bird represents the 2nd Bucks County record and only the 3rd record for Pennsylvania.

This light juvenile bird was found by Devich Farbotnik during the passing of tropical storm Hanna. Note the light head contrasting with the rest of the bird. This bird represents the 2nd Bucks County record and only the 3rd record for Pennsylvania.

