Species: Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus
Number of Individuals observed: 1
Date of Sighting: 10-30-2012
County : Dauphin
Location : West Fairview boat launch
GPS Coordinates: 40.272519, -76.914525
Observer(s): Alex Lamoreaux, Anna Fasoli, Ian Gardner, Josh Lefever, Melissa Roach, Michael David, Steve Brenner, ramsay koury, Jason Horn, Andy Markel, Alex Lamoreaux, Ian Gardner, Peter Robinson, Joan Renninger, Annette Mathes, Dick Colyer, Jarrod Derr, Dave McNaughton, Andy McGann and many others.
Date of Submission: 2-26-2013
Submitted by: Alex Lamoreaux
Written Description: yes Photo: no Specimen: no Recording: no



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333-06-2012 Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus
First Round Votes

12/3/2013 15:07 Drew Weber Class IV-B – insufficient evidence for evaluation. A terribly sparse description. This committee can hardly rule anything out.

6/17/2013 16:37 Cameron Rutt Class IV-B – insufficient evidence for evaluation. Unfortunately, this is another report from West Fairview – arguably the single most productive location during Superstorm Sandy – that contains a description that is lacking in details. A 17-word description of a jaeger is simply insufficient for this committee to properly evaluate. This sparse report does not eliminate Long-tailed Jaeger, which, like Parasitic Jaeger, fits the few notes. Mention of whether or not this pointy-tailed jaeger exhibited white flashes on the underside of the primaries would be particularly useful, as would discussion of breastband presence/absence or contrast between the coverts/flight feathers on the upperparts.

6/10/2013 2:36 Dave DeReamus Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

4/19/2013 20:56 Mike Fialkovich Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

10/3/2013 7:07 Mike Lanzone Class II – Sight record documented independently by 2 or more people.

10/12/2013 19:15 Ben Coulter Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

10/22/2013 1:13 Devich Farbotnik Class IV-B – insufficient evidence for evaluation. Very incomplete description.



