Species: Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus
report modified to Jaeger Species in round two voting and accepted.
Date of Sighting: 10-30-2012
County : Indiana; Penn Run, Brush Valley Township
Location : Yellow Creek State Park, Swimming Beach
GPS Coordinates: N 40.579216, W -79.006046
Observer(s): Tim Schreckengost, also Lee Carnahan, Gloria (do not know last name), and one other fellow
Date of Submission: 10-30-2012
Submitted by: Tim Schreckengost

Written Description: Yes Photo: NO Specimen: No Recording: No




[iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1J5WDAtqUkxQ1keQQHvT0KWEGmrlhTvUlait1b2b_YRU/viewform?embedded=true” width=”100%” height=”900″]

First Round Votes: 5/2
First Round comments:
6/16/2013 14:30 Cameron Rutt Class IV-B – insufficient evidence for evaluation. I would accept this report as “jaeger sp.” but feel uncomfortable assigning it to species-level status. Relative terms without birds to directly compare with in the field OR without comparisons to other known lengths/widths on that same bird are very difficult to assess from a written report. The observer noted that the “tail feathers did not come to a point like a parasitic,” but did not go on to describe what the tail feathers looked like. I understand the difficult of documenting birds like this, even those readily identifiable in the field, especially in stormy weather conditions; however, I believe this necessitates us to take a more conservative approach to these birds.
6/9/2013 2:52 Dave DeReamus Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.
6/11/2013 2:33 Devich Farbotnik Class IV-A – record is probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt.
6/4/2013 16:32 Drew Weber Class III – Sight record documented by one observer. This was a tricky one to decide on. I think that the observer took care to eliminate other species.
3/3/2013 9:05 Mike Fialkovich Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.
10/2/2013 23:33 Ben Coulter Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.
1/23/2014 12:47 Mike Lanzone Class II – Sight record documented independently by 2 or more people.

Second Round – Committee Modified and Accepted Report 6/0 as Jaeger Species Class III

