Species: Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus

Date of Sighting: 30 April 2012 to 30 April 2012


Observer(s): Grace Smith

Date of Submission: 2012

Submitted by: Grace Smith, Mike Fialkovich

Written Description: Yes Photo: No Specimen: No Recording: No



[iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1J5WDAtqUkxQ1keQQHvT0KWEGmrlhTvUlait1b2b_YRU/viewform?embedded=true” width=”100%” height=”900″]
168-02-2012 Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
First Round Votes
7/28/2012 10:42 Ben Coulter Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

7/28/2012 19:54 Mike Fialkovich Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

7/29/2012 13:28 Drew Weber Class IV-A – record is probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt.
The description sounds very compelling overall. Her one reservation about the color made me bump it down to Class IV-A, however.

7/31/2012 1:35 Dave DeReamus Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

7/31/2012 7:38 Ramsay Koury Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.

7/31/2012 10:23 Mike Lanzone Class III – Sight record documented by one observer.
I think notes are adequate although it would be nice to have a bit more detail, this is a fairly easy ID and her description sounded accurate and truthful.


