Species:   White Ibis      Eudocimus albus

Number of Individuals observed:  1

Date of Sighting:   08-09-2012 10:00 AM

County :   York

Location :  Gut Road, East Manchest er Twnp, near Saginaw Borough, Brunner Island area

GPS Coordinates:  40.0762736, -76.6811988

Observer(s):  Jason Miller – 8/9/12, Lou Carpenter, R. Koury, A. McGann, Dick Cleary -8/10/12,  Chris Bort z – 8/12/12,

Date of Submission:   1/13/2013

Submitted by:  Phil Keener (non-observer)

Written Description:    Yes    Photo:   Yes     Specimen: No    Recording: No

Link to Photos:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/millerellim/7752869112/






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[/member]White Ibis 8-2012 York


