Wildwood Park (Wildwood Lake)
DESCRIPTION: This Dauphin County park (220 acres) features a wetland and shallow lake which attracts puddle ducks and waders. In close proximity to the Susquehanna River, it is an important feeding area for the Great Egrets that nest on Wade Island. For this reason, it has been included in the Sheets Island Archipelago IBA. With the river close by, this is a natural migration corridor for passerines, raptors, and waterfowl. There are six miles of trails and boardwalks (2 bird blinds) and they are open from dawn to dusk daily.
The Olewine Nature Center has well-stocked feeders which attract passerines and an occasional raptor. A well-developed bird checklist is available at the front desk. The nature center is open Tuesday through Sunday 10 am to 4 pm and is closed on Mondays and holidays.
DIRECTIONS: From US 22/322 north of Harrisburg, take the Linglestown Road exit and turn west (left if you are coming from the south, right if you are coming from the north) on Linglestown Road. At the next light, make a left (south) onto Industrial Road (Be careful you don't turn back onto the on-ramp for US22/322 south). There are three parking lots along the 1.3 mile stretch of road (one at 0.2 mile, one at 0.36 mile and 1.3 mile) . The third parking lot (South Lot) is just before the I-81 overpass. Turn left onto Wildwood Way to get to the nature center.