Fill in the appropriate fields, fill in the Captcha, and then click on the Submit Update button
Instructions: We recommend that if you have many corrections/additions, that you compose the text in your word processor and then copy and paste it into the fields on this form. The fields above are unlimited, so they will accept large amounts of text, in spite of their appearance!.
Site Name - Please use the site name as it is listed on the Site Guide
County - List the primary county
Corrections - Use this field to submit any corrections to information on the site. This can include misspellings, incorrect road names, changes in ownership, changes in accessability, changes to trails or roads, changes in general birdlife (ie. the woodlot adjacent to the pond has been logged, so woodland birds are no longer present), etc. (NOTE: Online mapping programs such as GoogleMaps often disagree on rural road names. When this is the case, we use the road name as designated on the official county road map downloaded from PennDOT.)
Additions - Use this field to submit additional information about the site. Ie. additional hotspots within the site, information about access and ownership, new references, etc. This is especially needed for many sites that just have directions and nothing else, but we welcome any new relevant info about any site.
Your name
Your email - We need this so we can contact you for more information or clarifications.