State Game Lands 246
DESCRIPTION: This small (less than a square mile) gameland is an easily accessible area for migrant warblers as well as a breeding location for overgrown-field species such as Prairie Warbler and Yellow-breasted Chat. The woods host Kentucky and Cerulean warblers.
DIRECTIONS: From PA 283 southeast of Harrisburg, take the Toll House Road exit and go north on Toll House Road to the T intersection with Colebrook Road and turn right (east). Go 0.3 mile and turn left (north) on Schoolhouse Road. Go 0.8 mile to the parking area on the right. From here a trail leads off to the southeast. The trail loops around the hill and ends on Roundtop Road, where there is an alternate parking area. When the trail reaches the saddle of the hill, another trail goes off to the left and loops the summit.