Hartstown Marsh (SGL 214)
DESCRIPTION: The Hartstown Marsh offers rails, Common Moorhen, Marsh Wren, and nesting Black Tern and Bald Eagle. Prothonotary Warbler also have nested here. The marsh can be viewed from several access points.
DIRECTIONS: Continue south on Hartstown Road for 3.25 miles to US 322. Turn left (east) and go 0.2 mile and turn left onto an access road that turns back to the west to a parking area under US 322. From here a dirt road leads north for several miles through the north end of the marsh. Return to US 322 and go east for another 0.6 mile to a parking area on the left. Continue east another 0.8 mile and turn right (south) on Pine Road. Go 0.9 mile and turn right (west) on West Calvin Road and take this road to the marsh. Return to Pine Road, continue south another 1 mile and turn right (west) on Brooks Road and follow to the marsh. Return to Pine Road, continue south another 0.9 mile and turn right (west) on an unnamed road and follow to a parking area. Return to Pine Road, continue south anther 0.6 miles and turn right (west) on Adamsville Road and go 0.7 mile to Adamsville.