Imperial/Bald Knob
DESCRIPTION: This site is near the town of Imperial in Findlay Township in western Allegheny County. The area is a large reclaimed strip mine with extensive grassland, ponds, wetlands and dense shrub habitat. It is attractive to all the expected grassland sparrows, raptors, etc. Brush loving birds are numerous and the ponds have attracted a great variety of shorebirds and waterfowl. The strip mines and all other areas are privately owned and patrolled. The landowner has made it clear to stay off the land when birding (note you may see dog trainers and hunters off the road--they have permission to use the land. That permission is not extended to birders). Most of the area is posted, but signs are not everywhere. Stay on the road while birding and you won't have any issues.
Be aware the area is used for hunting, particularly for turkey, deer and rabbits. Hunters are usually visible from the road in their florescent orange, but may be out of site due to vegetation, the contour of the land, etc.
DIRECTIONS: From Pittsburgh take I-376 West / US 22 / 30 West towards the Pittsburgh Airport. Follow I-376 / US 22 / 30 to the US 22 / 30 Exit (I-376 will continue towards the airport).
Follow US 22/30 west towards Weirton, West Virginia, for 3.8 miles. Take the Imperial / US 30 West / PA 978 South Exit. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto US 30 West. Travel for 1.4 miles through the small town of Imperial and turn left onto Imperial and Burgettstown Road (which is well marked with a large sign).
Follow this road for 1.6 miles to a "T" intersection. The area across from the intersection was formally brushy habitat, but was mined and reclaimed. In 2011 the area was planted with grasses and a new pond was constructed. Note there is a sign identifying this road as Imperial and Burgettstown Road and a sign identifying it as Robinson Road. Turn left onto Burgettstown Road (no sign identifying it) and drive 0.8 miles to a four way intersection with Potato Garden Run Road (no sign identifying it). Continue straight through for 0.5 miles to the interchange for PA Turnpike I-576 (Burgettstown Road goes off to the left just before the interchange and becomes Ridge Road described below). Continue straight past the interchange and the road becomes Westport Road (formally Bald Knob Road).
This tour will be described as a loop beginning and ending at the Potato Garden Run / Burgettstown Road Intersection (specific directions for each area continue below).
Descriptions of Key Areas
Westport Road
Just after passing the turnpike overpasses, look for a large pond on the right that birders call the "Main Pond" or "Bald Knob Pond". This shallow pond attracts shorebirds in spring and fall. In 2010-2011 this road and the surrounding grasslands were changed in preparation for industrial park development. The grassland was cleared however the pond remains (and according to plans should remain despite construction). The original road was moved closer to the pond. Spotted Sandpipers are still common summer residents. A great variety of shorebirds have been recorded at this pond including common species such as yellowlegs, Dunlin, Solitary Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper and Wilson's Snipe. Baird's and White-rumped Sandpipers are uncommon to rare, but did occur almost annually. Short-billed Dowitchers are sometimes seen in small numbers and Semipalmated Plovers may be found in August and September. Less common species recorded include Black-bellied and American Golden Plovers and Stilt Sandpiper. Rare species include Snowy Plover (one record), American Avocet (one record), Upland Sandpiper (in the nearby grassland), Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling (one record), Western Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper (one record), Long-billed Dowitcher (one record) and all three phalaropes.
Other uncommon species recorded at the pond include Mute and Tundra Swan, Long-tailed Duck, Great Egret, Common Moorhen, Bonaparte's Gull, Common Tern, Forster's Tern, and Black Tern (including a flock of 20). A wide variety of waterfowl have been recorded during migration, and Allegheny County's first breeding record of Hooded Merganser was confirmed here. Blue-winged Teal were also confirmed breeding in the area and have been seen with young on this pond.
In order to follow the original road, take a left turn after passing the pond, then a right turn on an unpaved part of the road lined with large rocks which connects with the original gravel road (as of 2012; this may change in the future). Continue to a bend and another smaller, more vegetated pond is on the right. This pond also attracts shorebirds and waterfowl, but the variety is much less compared to the larger pond, however this pond is not without surprises. Sora, American Bittern, and even a Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (all single records) have been found in the vegetation at the edge of the pond.
The surrounding grasslands and brush provide habitat for open country birds. Clay-colored Sparrows were found for a few years during May. Vesper Sparrows and Field Sparrows favor the brush and small trees in this area. Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows may still be seen, but the habitat destruction is limiting their distribution here. Eastern Meadowlarks are easily seen and heard. From 1994-1997, Blue Grosbeaks bred along the road and were regularly seen, however they disappeared a few years ago and with the exception of a single bird in August 2006 have not been seen since. Brown Thrashers and Northern Mockingbirds are present. American Pipits are often seen along the ponds or heard flying over during spring and fall migration. Horned Larks are residents.
Continue along the road past the ponds and the habitat becomes brushy on the right with a large pine and larch plantation on the left. Ruffed Grouse may be heard drumming from the evergreens in spring. Prairie Warblers and Yellow-breasted Chats can be found in the thick brush. Both species of cuckoos are often encountered with black-billed the more common species.
Follow the road to an intersection with Country Hollow Road. You can turn around here and retrace your route to continue the loop. If you continue on past this intersection, you leave Allegheny and enter Washington County. You can drive a short distance to the entrance of the former Greater Pittsburgh Gun Club (on the left, now closed and for sale) listening for Ruffed Grouse, Hooded Warbler, Ovenbird, American Woodcock (on still evenings March - May), or even Purple Finches (in spring). The entrance to the former Gun Club is 1.0 mile from the main pond.
Ridge Road and "Toy Airport"
Retrace your route on Westport Road back to the intersection with Burgettstown Road. Turn right onto Burgettstown Road. Follow Burgettstown Road which becomes Ridge Road, but is not marked.
Just after turning onto Burgettstown Road, you can turn left into a small area of new buildings. Check the pond on the left side of the road. In February 2011 a pair of Ross's Geese stopped here and in February 2012, a Red Phalarope dropped in during the passage of a powerful cold front. Return to Burgettstown Road.
The brush along the road provided two sightings of Northern Shrike, both in December (2001 and 2002). One was also seen in the vicinity of the buildings in the winter of 2008-09. Look and listen for White-eyed Vireos that have territories in the roadside brush. The left side of the road is wooded, and a Wood Thrush is usually on territory in the small woodlot. Eventually the woods end and brush takes over again. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Brown Thrasher, Yellow Warbler and other brush loving birds can be easily seen and heard. In winter, American Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos are numerous.
Continue to a pulloff on the left (at 1.0 mile) where you can see into the open grasslands. This is just over the border in Washington County. The entrance is blocked with a rope and a No Trespassing Sign. Local birders call this the "Toy Airport" because people fly remote control planes here.
The shallow valley to the left is in Allegheny County and was the site where Short-eared Owls and Northern Harriers were confirmed nesting in 1997. The owls appeared to continue to breed to 2001. There is a small pond visible in the distance (scope needed) where shorebirds and waterfowl can be found in migration and is particularly good for Green-winged Teal. Another pond that is not visible provided a resting area for a Sandhill Crane in the spring of 2006. A Lark Sparrow was found in 1994 and a Dickcissel in 1996 in the grassland (when birders could walk on the property). Although Short-eared Owls do not appear to breed here any longer, this is one of the best places to see them in winter just as the sun is setting. Northern Harriers continue as residents. This is also the best location for wintering Rough-legged Hawks. Up to eight have been noted here including both color phases. Northern Shrike has been seen at this site during the winter (2009-2011); check the tops of distant shrubs. Eastern Bluebirds, Horned Larks, and all the grassland sparrows can be heard and seen here. In the winter of 2004 a flock of Snow Buntings were regularly seen from this location, and in May 2005 two Upland Sandpipers were observed in flight and calling for a day. An Eastern Phoebe nests on the small structure near the road. Sometimes Purple Finches can be seen in spring.
Old Stubenville Pike and "Truck Stop"
Continue on what is now Ridge Road for 0.7 miles to an intersection with Old Stubenville Pike. A bridge over US 22 will be ahead of you. Turn left and drive 0.8 miles to a large open gravel area on the left where there may be large pile of gravel for road construction and perhaps some construction vehicles. Local birders call this the "Truck Stop". Park here and look over the large grassland. With binoculars you can see the location you just left (Toy Airport) across the rolling hills. You are standing in Allegheny County. The small pond to the left is in Washington County. Check the pond for shorebirds and waterfowl. Nothing unusual has been seen here, but it is worth checking. The hilltops in the grasslands are good places to see Bobolinks which seem to favor this site above all others in the area. In spring (March and April) there are usually flocks of Wilson's Snipe among the small pools in the shallow valley below. Sometimes the flocks can total over 30 birds. Listen for American Pipits flying over in spring and fall and sometimes Snow Buntings can be found here in late fall.
Continue a short distance to a "T" intersection. Route 22 is to the right. You can turn right and access US 22 East to return to Pittsburgh (this is the PA 980 South / McDonald / Midway Exit). To continue the loop, turn left onto Potato Garden Run Road (which is not signed).
NOTE: If time is limited you can skip Westport Road, "Toy Airport" and Ridge Road and go directly to "Truck Stop". This site can be reached by continuing on US 22 West past the Imperial Exit for 3.3 miles to the PA 980 South / McDonald / Midway Exit. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left and make another immediate left onto Old Stubenville Pike and the "Truck Stop" is on the right.
Potato Garden Run Road
Continue on Potato Garden Run Road passing Boggs Road on the right at 0.5 miles which leads to the Imperial Landfill and the Montour Bike Trail (you can turn right here passing the entrance to the Imperial Landfill and bear right onto Bugay Lane to park in the bike trail parking lot. The trail goes through more grassland if you want to hike along it for additional birding.
Eventually, you will see marsh on the right side of the road. Willow Flycatchers, Tree Swallows, Yellow Warblers, Swamp Sparrows, and Red-winged Blackbirds nest around the marsh. This marsh runs the length of the road and although it is polluted with mine drainage, there are a series of beaver dams throughout the area. Many birders searched for rails over the years without success, however a migrant American Bittern was found in the spring of 2006. Warbling Vireos and Scarlet Tanagers can be found in the tall trees here. Orchard and Baltimore Orioles can be found in good numbers on the left side of the road, opposite the marsh. Eventually the road intersects with Burgesttown Road (at 1.7 miles) where the tour began. The area around this intersection is a good place to listen for American Woodcocks and Great Horned Owls in early spring. White-eyed Vireos can be found in the roadside brush along with numerous Yellow Warblers. Large numbers of Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles stage in the marsh in late summer and fall. In February and March, small flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds roost in the marsh. They gather at dusk and the flocks sometimes contain a few Brown-headed Cowbirds and Rusty Blackbirds. The flocks are worth checking for a possible Brewer's Blackbird. The field across the marsh is a good place to look for flocks of Wild Turkeys. Turkeys can be found almost anywhere in the area at all times of the year.
To leave the area, turn right and travel for 0.8 miles to Imperial and Burgettstown Road. Turn right and the road will end at US 30. Turn right onto US 30 to return to the US 22 interchange.
Using maps, many of the roads in the area can be explored further for similar birds and similar habitats. The Imperial area continually offers surprises and species not found anywhere else in Allegheny County. Unfortunately, the area will continue to be developed so there is potential for habitat loss.
Nearest Campgrounds:
Raccoon Creek State Park which is seven miles west of Imperial on US 30 has a campground.
Lodging and Gas:
Gas is available at the Imperial Exit and near the intersection of I-376, 22/30. Robinson Town Centre is shopping area near this intersection with many restaurants, stores, gas, and hotels. There is also the Mall at Robinson in this area.
Ticks are numerous in the tall grasses.
Map - other than Google (Click on map for larger view)
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Posted: Oct 24, 2009 Updated: Jan 01, 1970 |