Bald Eagle State Park
DESCRIPTION: This 5,900-acre park, located about 20 miles northeast of State College, is a premier birding location in central Pennsylvania. The park surrounds the 1,730-acre Foster Joseph Sayers Dam and offers a variety of habitats—brushy fields, woodlots, lake, and shoreline—that has produced over 230 species of birds.
The lake attracts migrant waterfowl, gulls, terns, and shorebirds, but boaters and fishermen prevent large concentrations, so you need to check the lake from as many vantage points as possible, and the earlier in the day, the better. The lake has proven to be a good place to check for hurricane-related birds when a hurricane, or remnant thereof, passes through central Pennsylvania.
Spring and fall produce the greatest variety of birds, but it is a good birding location year-round.
DIRECTIONS: The park is located along PA 150 between Mill Hall and Milesburg. Starting at the intersection of PA150 and PA 26, proceed east on PA 150 for 0.4 mile to a viewing area on the right. Check the lake for waterfowl, gulls, and terns.
Continue east on PA 150 for another 0.9 mile to the main park entrance on the right. Make the first right and follow the signs to the boat launching area and check the lake from there. Return to the main park drive, turn right, and follow the signs to the swimming area. This sandy beach can harbor shorebirds, especially early in the morning, before swimmers and other park visitors arrive.
Drive the remaining roads in this section and check out the brushy fields, which are good for Northern Shrike and American Tree Sparrow in winter. Also scan the lake from the other boat launching areas. Eastern Bluebird are common, and sparrows and warblers can be found in the fields and woodlots.
Return to PA 150 and go back (west) to the intersection of PA 150 and PA 26. Go south on PA 26 for 1 mile and turn left on Mill Street and follow it for 0.6 mile to the boat launching area. Scan the lake from here. A 4.4-mile (round trip) hiking trail starts here and follows the south shore of the lake along the base of Bald Eagle Mountain and has typical woodland birds.
From the original starting point, go west on PA 150 for 0.9 mile and turn left and follow the road to the Lower Greens Run boat launch. Scan the lake from here. Return to PA 150, turn left (west) and go 1.5 mile and turn left and follow this road to the Upper Greens Run Boat Launch and scan the lake from here. Shorebirds are possible when the water levels are appropriate.
All of the areas should be checked for migrant and breeding passerines.