Prince Gallitzin State Park
DESCRIPTION: Prince Gallitzin SP is dominated by the 1600-acre Lake Glendale. In addition to migratory waterfowl, the lake also includes the Slate Lick marsh where rails nest.
DIRECTIONS: Take PA 36 north from Altoona 9.5 miles to the town of Ashville, turn right on PA 53 and travel 8 miles till you see the sign directing you to the park. Turn left (west) on State Park Road and travel 1.9 miles, you will come to the Slate Lick marsh. This is a large area that is visible from the road. Parking is allowed on the side of the road just beyond the marsh area. Lots of waterfowl and nesting Virginia Rail and Sora can be found.
Continue for 0.5 mile and turn right into the park. This is a large wooded area with lots of trails to walk.
Return to State Park Road, turn right (west) and go 0.5 mile to the Marina Road. Turn right (north). The road goes around to the left and here you will find a shoreline which will yield gulls, terns, and shorebirds in migration. It also offers a good view of the lake and any waterfowl that are present. In the spring thousands of swallows are present and at times it is quite a spectacle. The park office is located above this area and it is a good place to stop. If any rarities are present they may be able to direct you to them.
Exit the office, return to State Park Road, turn right and travel 1.9 miles to an intersection, turn right on Glendale Lake Road, and go about 100 yards and make another right. This is Beaver Valley Road and will take you all around the other side of the lake. The best area on this side of the lake is the Headache Hill area, which is 2.4 miles from the intersection. Make a right on the access road and you will be able to bird all along the road. Parking should be limited to the pull off areas. Exit this area by turning right and you will find several other places to bird along the road. There are parking lots at each stop. If you continue on this road you will come out on PA 53, a right turn will take you back the way you came and after 11 or 12 miles you will be at PA 36.