North Park
DESCRIPTION: North Park, some 15 miles north of downtown Pittsburgh, is so varied in habitat and so extensive in area, about 3,000 acres, that it is almost impossible to pinpoint for the birder any particular spot as the best.
Possibly the best areas for the larger birds are Marshall and North Park Lakes. For the smaller species, especially the passerines, Blackrock Trail in the eastern area of the park is recommended. The whole of the Latodami Nature Center acreage in the northwest portion is also excellent in variety of species to be found, especially at the Braille Trail.
The Irwin Road section is very good. The slopes west of Irwin Road and the fields at the top of the hill adjacent to North Ridge Road are especially good for elusive species. Some of the birds to be encountered here are Blue-winged Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, and White-eyed Vireo.
Kentucky Warbler nest along the Braille Trail and occasionally a Barred Owl may be heard calling. Look for Eastern Screech-Owl in the nesting box along the trail.
Just about every species of waterfowl expected in PA has been seen at North Park and Marshall Lakes. There is a small shallow pond at the Latodomi Nature Center which is attractive to Solitary Sandpiper (annual), Northern Waterthrush (uncommon), Swamp Sparrow, and Wood Duck (which breed).
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of US 19 and PA 910 in Wexford, go east on PA 910 east for 1.7 miles and turn right (south) on Pearce Mill Road and go 0.6 mile to the park entrance.