Quakertown Swamp (SGL 139)
DESCRIPTION: Located just south of its namesake town in upper Bucks County, the Quakertown Swamp is a unique inland wetland area. The 400-acre swamp remains relatively undisturbed. The heart of the swamp is bisected by a railroad embankment, which provides an elevated view. Habitats in addition to the wetland include deciduous forest, edge, shrub, and a small pond.
A Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Census identified 74 nesting species in the swamp, of which 14 are considered rare breeders. Some breeding species include Marsh Wren, Virginia Rail, Yellow-billed and Black-billed cuckoos, and Yellow and Blue-winged warblers.
Other species of note include Least Bittern, Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawk, Sora, Common Moorhen, Common Snipe, Common Nighthawk, and Swamp Sparrow. Visit the pond area for Wood Duck, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. During migration, look for Palm Warbler and other passerines.
A path leads to the pond from the parking area described below. To reach the swamp, walk east (to the left) along Rich Hill Road about 0.4 mile until you reach the railroad overpass. (Be careful of traffic.) Climb up the bank, watching out for poison ivy, and turn left. Walk alongside the railroad tracks in toward the swamp for about half a mile.
The Great Blue Heron rookery can be seen from Muskrat Road just past the parking area (look to the left). Viewing is best in the spring before the vegetation leafs out. The area along this road is also good for rails.
Description adapted from Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinty, available at http://www.lehigh.edu/~bcm0/lvas/BOLV.htm.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of PA 313 and PA 663 in Quakertown, go south on PA 309 for 2.0 miles and turn left at the light onto Tollgate Road. In 0.3 mile, turn right at the T intersection onto Old Bethlehem Pike. Go 0.9 mile and turn left onto Rich Hill Road. Follow Rich Hill Road 1.2 miles and turn left onto Muskrat Road, then turn right into the SGL parking area almost immediately.
The portion of the swamp described here is part of SGL 139 (the rest is on private land). The game lands consist of 265 acres. It is easily accessible to the public and is open year-round. Hunting is allowed. Prime visiting times are April through June, particularly in the early evening. One of the two railroad tracks is still active. Be alert for trains when walking alongside the tracks, and avoid standing or walking on the tracks themselves. In recent years the vegetation height along the tracks has increased, making viewing conditions less favorable than in the past.