Sewickley Heights Borough Park (Sewickley Heights)
DESCRIPTION: A wooded city park set on a hill with several streams running through it. The park borders a horse ranch, offering a little variety of habitat, but it is predominantly woods, with some edge habitat.
This is one of the best places for warblers in Allegheny county during migration, with 33 species recorded, starting with Louisiana Waterthrushes, but also including Cerulean, Cape May, Connecticut, and Worm-eating warblers. A great diversity of flycatchers, sparrows, and other passerines is also present during migration.
DIRECTIONS: From I-79 take exit 68 (Mt Nebo Road) and turn west on Mt Nebo Road. Mt Nebo Road will become Blackburn Road and then Orange Beltway. Follow this road for 2 miles to Fern Hollow Road. Turn right, and continue 1.1 miles to Hallaway Road. Turn right on Hallaway Road and drive up to the end of the road and park.