Bricker Road (SGL 235)
DESCRIPTION: A large field with saplings lining it and larger second-growth deciduous trees beyond. The field is grown to tall grasses and wildflowers. Very beautiful and peaceful.
This is a great place to find Blue-winged Warbler, occasional Golden-winged Warbler, Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Eastern Towhee, Field, Savannah, Vesper,and Song sparrows, Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Baltimore and Orchard oriole, Red-eyed Vireo, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel and in winter occasionally a Merlin, Short-eared Owl, and Northern Harrier.
When you walk thru the gate to the right is where you can find the Golden-winged and Blue-winged warblers. To the left is the large field which supports the open country species. Staying on the road beyond the gate is where you will find the sparrows, especially the Vespers. The thickets along the road support the Common Yellowthroat and Yellow Warbler. The field holds the winter species.
DIRECTIONS: From US 11 and US 30 in Chambersburg, go west on US 30 for 3.7 miles and turn right on Twin Bridge Road.(the road before Modnur Drug on right.) Go 1.6 miles to a stop sign(next to Twin Bridge Campground). Turn right and veer left at the "Y". This is still Twin Bridge Road. Go 1.1 mile to the next stop sign. Continue straight across Edenville-St.Thomas Road onto Portico Road.(Look for Dickcissel and Bobolinks here). Go 0.7 mile and turn left on Ft. McCord Road. Go 2.1 miles and turn right on Bricker Road. Go 0.4 mile to a left bend in the road where a dirt road goes to the right. You can park here and walk down the dirt road to the field or drive to the gate. It is a short road. This is the field. Enjoy!