Beaver Run Reservoir
DESCRIPTION: This 1,300-acre lake is owned and maintained by the Westmoreland County Municipal Authority. The best and easiest access is a parking lot/overlook on PA 380 at the breast of the dam. Bald Eagles have been seen here since 2001. (A pair of Bald Eagles established a nest at the reservoir in 2003, and two eaglets were fledged.)
The eagles can be seen from the parking area at the overlook, as well as hawks, kingfishers, osprey in summer, many waterbirds such as Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Teal, Bufflehead, Mergansers, Grebes, Loons, shorebirds such as Yellowlegs and Killdeer (Avocets were seen one year), large numbers of Wild Turkey in fall and migrating Tundra Swans. Swallows are common as well as a few other small birds. A causeway crosses on PA 286 near Mamont, but there are no parking spots. It is possible a section of the West Penn Trail may someday come very close to a section of the reservoir.
DIRECTIONS: From US 22/PA 66 (about 30 miles east of Pittsburgh), go north on PA 66 for 11 miles and turn right on PA 380. Go 2.4 miles to the dam parking lot on the right.