Hunters Road
DESCRIPTION: The 2-mile stretch of Hunters Road between Mohawk Road and PA 944 is made up of agricultural fields. Hunters Road along with Rock Run and Chestnut Roads which intersect are good places to look for field species in the spring and summer including Blue Grosbeak, Dickcissel, and Bobolinks along with Savannah, Vesper, and Grasshopper sparrows. There have also been Henslow's Sparrows reported there on a couple of occasions over the years. Hunters Road and the surrounding area is a good place to find wintering Northern Harriers and hold the possibility of Short-eared Owl. Hunters Road does not have much traffic and is a fairly safe place to pull over the side of the road and listen and look for field birds.
DIRECTIONS: From the north take PA 233 from Perry County into Cumberland County and turn left onto PA 944. Go 0.7 miles and turn right onto Hunters Road. From the south, take exit 37 off I-81 and go 6 miles on PA 233 north through Newville and turn right onto Mohawk Road soon after passing over the PA Turnpike. Go 0.8 miles and turn left on Hunters Road.