Graham Road
DESCRIPTION: Graham Road parallels the West Branch of the Susquehanna which runs just below the trail. It can be driven by larger 4-wheel-drive vehicles only. Cerulean and Worm-eating warblers are common breeders along the first mile of the trail. The steep hillside sometimes affords eye-level views of the Ceruleans. Other common breeders include: Hooded Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Acadian Flycatchers breed in the hollow about one mile in. Spring brings the usual common migrants.
DIRECTIONS: From US 220/PA 120 at Lock Haven, take PA 120 north into Lock Haven. This is Jay Street. Where PA 120 goes left, instead continue straight on Jay Street across the bridge. Turn left at the "T" intersection onto Farrendsville Road. Go 5.6 miles to Graham Road on the left (Note: when you get to Farrendsville, Farrendsville Road turns right and crosses the railroad tracks and the bridge over Lick Run). Turn left on Graham Road and go 0.15 mile to Farrendsville Park.
Park in the Farrendsville Park and walk up Graham Road. The trail is steep for the first 100 yards but levels off. Ceruleans and Worm-eating can be seen and heard along the first mile.