DESCRIPTION: The town of Tidioute sits on the bank of the Allegheny River. A railroad right-of-way known as the Tidioute Rec-Trek Trail is also known as the Tidioute Birding Trail. Located at the downriver end of town, one can walk four miles along the trail which parallels the river. There is also a public park with a Fish Commission Access Area where there is a good view of the river and where Tidioute Creek flows into the Allegheny.
Bald Eagles, Ospreys, hawks, waterfowl, and many other species can be seen along the river and at the park. On the birding trail, there is excellent habitat for a variety of warblers, thrushes, vireos, etc. A list of birds sighted is kept at the trail entrance. Also there is good birding from the river by canoe or kayak. Information on birding in Tidioute can also be found by stopping in at King's Lumber.
Birding Trail: From the parking area beside the water treatment plant, walk the cleared path downriver. The first 1/2 mile is best warbler territory. There is an old log bench for sitting and watching.
DIRECTIONS: Tidioute Birding Trail: Take PA 62 (north from Tionesta or south from Buckaloons) to the Tidioute Bridge/Buckingham St. Exit. After crossing the Allegheny River into town, turn left at the stop sign. Go about 0.4 mile to the bend by the water treatment plant. Park at the trailhead on the left.
Park and Access Area: After crossing the bridge, take the first right onto a gravel lane. Go to the stop sign and turn right into the park.