Benjamin Rush State Park
DESCRIPTION: BRSP is an undeveloped 275-acre state park in northeast Philadelphia located along the shores of the Poquessing Creek. It contains a mixture of mature deciduous woodlands (much of which is riparian) and large grassy and weedy fields which include what has been called the "world's largest community garden." There are currently no amenities such as paved parking areas, bathrooms, or site maps.
Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlark occur regularly during migration. Marsh Wren, Dickcissel, Vesper, White-crowned, Savannah, Swamp, Lincoln's, Grasshopper sparrows also occur regularly during autumn migration especially in the community garden area. Many other species occur during migration. Regular breeders include Orchard Oriole, Willow Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo, Indigo Bunting etc.
Park and bird along the main entrance road. The community gardens are located on the left (west) side of this road. Also walk through or around the periphery of the large fields on either side of the entrance road. There are also trails located in woodland areas which border the Poquessing Creek along the western edge of the park.
DIRECTIONS: Currently this park can only be accessed by driving north on Roosevelt Boulevard (US 1). Stay in the right hand lane. The entrance (which is poorly marked) is located 0.9 miles north of Woodhaven Rd and 0.28 miles north of Southampton Road. When leaving the park, you must turn right (north) on Roosevelt Boulevard. There are no paved parking lots so cars park along the existing entrance road.